Vague Memories

Started by RBF, September 17, 2024, 06:11:20 PM

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A name is not known. But a name was asked, less no sending chit would be given. A kitschy symbol of membership within this place. A useful tool of communication. A reminder that one is not of this place.

A name was long forgotten. This was not the first time a name was forgotten. Though, the first name was, perhaps, more violently erased than the one or ones that came after.

This new world cares not for old names. Whatever new name is chosen cannot be compared to old names. There is no method of verification. No need for veracity. New world. New start. New name.

Any name would do.

So one delved into the foggy memories for a name that could be used. Any at all. It took time to dig through the mist and clouds. But a name was finally remembered. A name remembered between screams of torment and wails of despair.


A name attached to a nightmare. A person desperate and pleading and begging. For what? Mercy? Survival? Life?

It is felt that whoever Merilithe was--long ago, far away--they died a horrific death. The memories are vague but the smell of blood is clear. The gurgling death rattle echoes with clarity.

Merilithe had their life taken from them. What does it matter if their name is also stolen from them?


A guard. Patrolman. Sergeant. Captain. The exact rank is obscured and blurred.

A simple man. But simple is just an outwards projection. Beneath lies and secrets are sins and vices known only to whom holds them. And the victims the simple one have deeply harmed.

Who did he harm? Who did he cross? Did he owe money? Did he hurt another? Slight another? Break a contract? Snuff aside social etiquette?

Whatever he had done, it was enough for his end to be demanded. A quick end. A quiet end. A knife thin enough to slide between ribs but deep enough to cut through the heart.

A quiet end. Mostly. There was, just barely, a gasp of surprise. And pain.

And then nothing.