Apothar Estellise of Q'tolip's Tower

Started by Zambition, August 31, 2024, 04:01:07 PM

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To the Apothar, the Fatespinner; Estillise Azimi.

We met once but as I am certain you are quite busy, you may have forgotten. While some tackle the struggle of seamless remembrance of one morrow in reality, you lobby between two; these world-lines I had wished to learn from you.

My name is Mekonnen Aristides, and I am seeking to Apprentice underneath the expertise of Nadiri Celybuin while attending my studies at the Sandstone College. I have not visited him since our first meeting, for I feel as if I have procured nothing of substance for him and that by visiting him, I would only be met with his disappointment.

While theory will get us so far, I am unable to truly tinker between my machinations and that of my chosen school in magic, that of Divination. I have also made my interest known to Apothar Zol Nur of the War Council, and offered my services as one but without a license, he will not consider me for many projects or undertakings.

So I will be needing a license, and the only way to do so is through you. An advantage you have over another practiced spellcrafter, and I would hope ever to be your disposal to see this legality placed in my name.

I can be written to at the Sandstone College, of course.

Live and Drink.


Dear Mekonnen Aristides,

I have an understandably low opinion of a Diviner who cannot even Divine the proper way to spell my name.

Normally, I care little about these Licenses and hand them freely to anyone whom I do not anticipate causing harm to our Well, but you are no longer starting at 0 but rather -1.

Thus must you now prove to me that you are worthy of a 0's consideration.

Present to me a proposal on how you will utilize Divination to benefit me, the Astronomers, or Ephia's Well.

Estellise Azimi



You must forgive my slight in linguistics, it seems in my worry to spell your surname correctly I had failed to see that I had not even correctly spelled your first, and for that of course, what scholar would not feel a fool?

Very well. Understandably so. My proposal is thus;

1. In combination with a Machinist's license, my first project would be to envelop the two (Divination) into one, practical device. I've noticed in my studies of the city's defenses that the only way for a veiled intruder to be seen, is if one was already currently enshelled with a spell of Seeing. This is of course deathly inefficient and those skilled to practice such a spell can not be everywhere all at once, and I have seen signs kindly asking veiled visitors to unveil themselves.

However, observations in the Krak des Roses have proven that this approach is both ineffective and inconsistent. In Kulkund, and in fact, among many Dwarven holds (the last such civilization I was familiar with, a mountain-home in the hills of Ring Ninety-Four) their suspicion of magic in general had them draw Arcane runes upon their forays before entering the kingdom proper, dispelling all entering of any concealment they may have borne with them.

Though I am no expert Abjurer, I believe I could concoct a system of security at each Gate of the city. Perhaps not entirely mimicking the designs of the Dwarves, but a certain path upon discouraging veiled entry. It is currently far too easy to slip inside this city, especially given the vast expanse of tunnels and halls beneath our feet and what lays deeper then.

2. I would utilize Scrying, within reason, to observe new arrivals for any trends of study; such as uncanny observation of our walls, our soldiery and any flaws in our defense. This information would then be reported to the Astronomers of Q'tolip and the Sultan's Janissary.

3. Thirdly, my primary focus is studying divine Foresight and Hindsight. Though I do not carry the Wheel Faith in my heart, the Truisms speak of established cycles. That the Wheel teaches the faithful that what has come shall come again. If this is true, the next cycle - whenever it or if it begins - would be Allahab Alsaakhin, or the 'Hot Flame'.

"The Fire that Bleaches is kindled in the sky, and the Wheel is burned by the heat."

It speaks of the end of times, Apothar, and yet this part of the cycle does not seem to have ever yet occurred, or at least I've found no evidence in the histories of it. Regardless, I believe it all leads to the Colossi.

In 7670 IY, Enrico Angelo, or Enrico the First would go on to become Enrico Ar-Orentes. It claims he bore a vision that took him from his present self, into an age of antiquity, and that afterwards it drove him to madness. This trend would follow in his offspring, and theirs. Another, less reputable text the HERO WORSHIP OF PHOR, claims he even called himself Phor-Orentes.

While I cannot confirm if this actually happened, if it did; the answers are beneath our feet. Those answers that are the right of the Accord, or primarily the Astronomers of Q'tolip who might study it without religious pretense.

And I am not blind, even without Divination. I've seen troves of Accord march beneath, I've heard mention of Apothars 'delving the depths', and I know that these depths must be the ruins of the Summer Palace, sunken by Zojhir all those years ago. Cursed by Qa'imish machinations.

But I digress. I learn quickly, and I am not some street magician seeking to tell fortunes. I am chasing answers, and by any means possible, I will find those answers for the betterment of Ephia's Well, should I be permitted to do so with every resource available to me.

I hope this clears matters up, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Mekonnen Aristides


Dear Mekonnen Aristides,

Despite meandering over much through that most tedious and futile of pursuits, history, your response clearly illustrates that you have given this a great deal of thought.

I see no reason to further deny you licensure at this time. Seek me out or seek out one of my Apprentices and we shall see you properly licensed in the near future.

Estellise Azimi


Dear Mekonnen Aristides,

Yes, well. This is the problem with studying history. You saw a legend come to life before your eyes and had to get a "closer look".

A waste, truly.

Estellise Azimi