The Shoppe of Esoterism and Occult

Started by Ser Shroom, August 24, 2024, 08:49:18 AM

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Ser Shroom

Amongst the Gutters and Worm Tunnels certain pieces of ink-black parchment find themselves. Should you study at the page long enough, words thus reveal themselves

The Shoppe of Esoterism and Occult

Of D'jinn and Courts: -

1) A Binding Fetish of Flesh Warper
[The means to endlessly call forth the roiling earth and writhing flesh. Bind these D'jinn to your service]
3,000 dinars

2) A Binding Fetish of The Incinerator
[The means to endlessly call forth the boiling blood and unquenchable flames. Bind these D'jinn to your service]
3,000 dinars

Of Forbidden Lore: -

1)The Words of Power to Assuru
[The Password to Assuru. Ancient ruins beneath our feet where the Accord scrabbles for hope in the form of a cup or a spear. Compete with them to claim this prize before they. Or settle your grudges with them there - far from the sight of the city]
Ask the proprietor for current pricing

2)Forbidden Numerology - The Last Tome of the Seventh Face
[The last surviving copy of an out-ring faith text. This faith is kept and remembered now but only a few survivors. Its last spark of divinity - The Seventh's last vestiges of divine power -  clings to existence within this tome. To speak from it is to invite terror and death. But also a greater understanding of death itself. I offer this to one with the coin and the desire to unlock its truest potential.]
8,000 dinars

3) A wise teacher for aspiring martial masters
[For those who wish to make their weapon but an extension of their body and soul, I shall deliver you to a masterful teacher. If you are worthy - they will give you the challenge you seek to unlock your truest potential]
10,000 dinars

Of Forbidden Arm and Armament: -

1) Robes of the Obsidian Apprentice
[Tailored and embroidered robes, fit for a discerning apprentice. Hone your art with its potent enchantments and, with the whispering encouragements of its bound former owner, learn new insight into magecraft]
1,500 dinars

2) The Sabotage's Longsword
[Richly enchanted with a winnowing touch. This sword tolls with the bell of ultimate misfortunes for your enemies. Should you be bold enough to visit a little of Her gaze upon yourself.]
300 dinars

3) The Redbrass Ripper
[The embodiment of blood and fire. A rapier without equal or compare. Though it is fit only for the hands of a true killer. And it will measure your worth in blood and iron.

In order to claim this blade from my shoppe, you must kill its former wielder.

It is my pleasure to offer for sale their identity.

Purchase the name, and thus the chance to compete. Then kill them - bring me proof of the deed - and the sword will pass joyously from my possession into yours]
For the name, and the chance to compete: - 1,000 dinars


Of Forbidden Imbibements: -

1) A Patrician's Philter of the Dretch
[A perfected substrate of the tonic known as the 'Dretch']

[Upon imbibement: - Cover yourself in an invulnerable penumbra which turns away even the most magical of blades. Atrophy your vital organs to make yourself unperturbed by the grievous or surprise strikes of your enemies. And - many other boons besides.

Four sips are offered with each purchase. Through alchemical purification, this is offered utterly free of addictive qualities and with much-diminished side effects. You need only dare to imbibe - and gain the indomitable power to obliterate your enemies]
1,200 dinars

For purchases seek Oskrul, Magos Esoteric, at the Creep.