Lucatia's Game Tournament of the Krak des Roses - Rules and Events

Started by Pandito24, August 02, 2024, 03:13:17 AM

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First Event : Odds or Evens Battle Royale

A master of the dice will be placed in the middle of the participants, rolling two eight face dices. The players must call if the result will be an odd or even number. The participants will hold five lives each. Each time they are wrong, they lose one. When they get to zero, they are eliminated. If they are right twice in a row, they gain a life. Between each roll of the dice, there are 1 minutes increment. You can use 1 life, verbally saying so to the Dicemaster, and voting on a number to be decided on one of the dices.

Rules on that : There needs three votes for a dice to not be rolled. Then, the majority of the votes will decide which number it falls on. Both dices can be influenced that way, guaranteeing survival for a lucky player. Votes are whispered to the Dicemaster.

Each person stand on an Odds and Even side before the Dicemaster rolls. If, after a roll or a decision, they lose a life, they move to the Signs saying the number of lives they have left. That prevents cheating from an overabundace of players.

The game ends when only two players having a different amount of lives remain.

Second Event : The Great Pet Showcase

I strongly believe that pet owners, snakes, dogs or turtles, have an hidden potential for artistic realization in their hands. I want to see all of those pets being pampered and stylished! We will ask participants to showcase their animal companions in front of the spectators for that competition. Either athletics, tailored clothes for small dogs or theatrics.

A pet has to be living and breathing. It can be summoned, called or brought. It cannot be a chair, a construct, an object or any other non-living creatures. Pet rocks are not permitted, for example, but a water elemental is. The criteria will be how impressive your training of the creature, pet or animal is!

Third Event : Improvised Poetry Duel

Each participant will be paired and will be given 5 minutes to write a poem about each others. The twist?! It has to be one that attacks the other. They will then take turn reciting them to the others in front of judges. The judges will points to each. The poets with the most points will be crowned winner and second place of the Event.

Fourth Event : Musical Chair

For this last event, we will install a number of chairs equal to our participants minus one. As the music goes, they move in a circle around the chairs. When the music stops, they must seat themselves. The person that doesn't manage to do that is eliminated. Repeat the process until one person remains!

The spectators will be able to throw harmless spells and objects that can impede the process! Tanglefoot bags, Slow Spells, Grease Spells... The participants will need to overcome these obstacles to triumph!