A page in an Ironbound Tome.

Started by Scitus, July 19, 2024, 03:00:42 AM

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"My Battle; My Fight."

"I will do, as I have done, since the time I was forced from my home."

"I will reap great fury upon the heads of orcs and their sympathizers."

"For I know, that many have flocked to his banner of peace, and his love of the people, and his hatred of this unjust world."

"I know I will kill them too, if they stand in my way. My path. I will. Kill. Orcs."



"My Mithridate."

"My Theriac."

"The Electuary to the bitter pain of my cure."

"Your death."




"In a turn, I need not speak so lyrically. Nor write of dire portent. This is merely an admission of gratitude. For I have received since I arrived charity in measure disproportionate to my expectations."

"Zina Zizzo, my honorable employer, that's not quite accurate but it's close enough. I asked her to value my worth. She has done so, never has she attempted to short me my value."

"Nasir of the Balladeers. Who gifted me my armor after the death of a comrade, it has served me well. He did not wish for another to die a pointless death in the wastes and granted this suit to me. It was perfect. He is an honor to his people."

"A man who did not give me his name, asked for only someone to stand beside him before the war. I do not know why I was so immured by him. I am loath to let my skin feel fresh air. Still, though I strive to make my heart as hard as my armor. I have one yet. His gift was many fold."

"This is a record of gratitude. My last words should not be of rage, let that be my deeds."


"It is a lever which might move the world, It is but a stone; and it is a hand which might move the lever."


"The Axe."

"Marcellus Bade before me kneel to the axe... I had many thoughts, I thought to tell him I serve the leverhand, and unlike him I did not forsake my burdens. Unlike him I do not forget where I am from."

"But as he waited, axe lifted, I covered in blood. I realize I have departed from my father's teachings. The power is used to protect, in wisdom guide, I have taken vengeance in my heart. I wondered if I could even truly serve either."

"Then he spoke, You are welcome in the lodge, and I knew what I must do. I will find the Warrior Hu Prak again."



"I meditate on what it means to be broken. The Broken Axe, The Broken God. Am I broken? It is hard to tell."

"I scorn the pity so many look at me with. Those who with good hearts, and kind intentions, see me as broken."

"I am a weapon, I am a mind, I kill, I save, what is broken?"

"That no longer, as a lark do I sing the morning breeze."

"My song is now a battle cry."

"My pinion are blades that beat a loathsome gale of death."

"The Revanchist path."


"The Lever."

"The Lever, is a divine instrument."

"That which wielded, moves mountains."

"Knowledge transferred to power."

"Allowing the smallest, to do the greatest."

"I look down at my hands, grasped upon the hilt of my sword."

"Is this not too, a lever?"


"A Dream."

"I have this dream I can not shake."

"I stand atop the fells."

"I cry out, but my voice is not my own."

"I reach out, but my hand is not my own."

"I point my sword at the heavens."

"I declare my Pretentions."

"There is no reply."