Six Theses for the League of White [Bulletin.]

Started by Erudiche, July 17, 2024, 03:16:47 AM

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[An Acolyte of the Sibilant Vine enters the League of White Office and calmly, with hammer in hand, nails a document upon its bulletin board. It is written in careful, flowing calligraphy in a trained hand.]

Six Theses for the League of White

Let here be writ six theses to guide the League of White and carry it successful and triumphant into its future. Let these theses constitute new and scientific organizational principles.

1. The League of White shall hold meetings no more than 14 days apart.

2. The League of White shall in its meetings discuss and vote on matters of policy, and shall develop a platform decided upon by the committed membership based on consensus and debate, with majority votes where necessary. Let these policies and proposals be actionable and concrete.

3. Once it is that a policy has been decided upon in an Asterabadian meeting of the League of White, let it be that the decision is now binding on all members of the League. Let all members work to realize the strategic and tactical objectives of the League. Let this be governed by the principle of "diversity in debate, unity in action."

4. To enforce the policies and objectives devised by the membership, and to coordinate the disorganized masses and membership of the League of White, let a cadre of professional, bonafide members be named League Whips and entrusted with the authority to organize and discipline.

5. Let funds be set aside by the League of White for the purposes of political incentives, wages for meritorious members, the procurement of Voices, and the coverage of campaign expenses.

6. Let it be that the League of White commits itself to a continuing campaign of propagandization, that it names members as League Propagandists who shall oversee the production of agitprop promoting the League line, and sets about arranging visible and spectacular acts of public protest.
Redemption! Redemption!