A letter to the Scribes of the Sublime Garden

Started by WriterX, July 24, 2024, 05:45:33 AM

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Dutiful Scribes,

 It seems that in my haste to prepare a plan regarding Arslan I have been poorly informed about the state of the city.

 I would request a brief on the City of Arslan, with key information about it before Iakmes' claim on the city. Important persons if they are still among the living, landmarks and other places of interest, a brief summary of the city's history and standing on the political and diplomatic stage, and so forth.

 Please send such a brief to my office, so that I can make more educated decisions about the city's future.

Live and drink,

Legate Marcellus Saenus

Fabulous Secret Powers

Legate Saenus,

You were already told about Hassan ibn Ghalish, one of the sons of Baba Ghalish, so it was assumed that you understood the nature of his presence in the city!

Ghalish and Sons is one of the foremost gem mining conglomerates in the desert, owned and operated by Mr. Ghalish and his sons! I call him Baba Ghalish, so that folk don't get confused... Anyhow, they do trade pretty much everywhere, so, I think there's a lot of sons, and Hassan's just the one running business in Arslan! Hassan seems to have amicable relations with his father, whereas our "ibn Ghalish", whose forename is only known by his family, seems to be the black sheep!

Then, there was Viceroy Hyores! He seemed to be a representative of Iakmes' polity for Arslan, an embarassingly short human, because Iakmes needed someone of Arslan and someone who isn't an orc, and all these politicking folk seem to be real short because they're hunched over books all their youth and don't exercise, so they only develop their brain... The people seemed to really like him, but it's difficult to judge such things based on such short meetings! He might be dead! Ask the Kha'eshi!

Before the Viceroy, and Iakmes' forces, the town was led by the Grand Tutors! I think that this rank is rather common among the clergy of Izdu, maybe some academicks, too, but they say the Grand Tutors of Arslan were deeply heterodoxical! There was some talk of "andragogy"! I don't know what that is! It certainly isn't handsome men teaching you stuff... Anyhow, the Tutors were horrible old geezers, who abused the commonfolk, with their boring teachings, and a regressive policy that kept the common man enchained in debt! Such conditions made it easy for Iakmes to bend the struggle towards his own needs!

Near the river, is a temple, the Reliquary... It was closed when the Grand Tutors were thrown out! Most likely a Temple of Izdu, I haven't heard of anything regarding the other Spokes in there. And they have one of those elephant statues there, so... Elephants are very wise! They remember a lot! One time, I befriended an elephant, and he remembered me for years, even though I passed by his hometown rather seldomly...

Anyhow, that's all I know about the city! You should seek out a scholar who knows more! Maybe a tour guide, or a merchant... Caravan runners... Anyone who's been there a lot!

Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara