[A Letter delivered to the Office of the Consulate] //DM

Started by AsheandCinders, July 01, 2024, 12:11:36 PM

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Honoured Secretary, and to all others whom it may concern.

While your presence is always a welcome thing, I wished to formally extend to you an invitation to attend and observe the next assembly held by Legates Saenus and Argyris.

I am sure recent matters of the Ephian government have not escaped your notice, matters that I feel shall reach something of a climax at an assembly of Allotment.

It can be Alleged, though of course I would not presume to sway the position of the Consulate on such a matter, that Legate Argyris, aided by former Legate Balstan, has worked against the Spirit of our most Illustious Sultan's grand Asterabadian experiment. Having purposefully created a financial crisis through the creation of several frivilous new titles upon our Stele of law, Granting himself an exceptional wage with one such title, then forbidding any Revocation of such before departing for Baz'eel, he created a gridlock by which to sabotage and undermine the next Legate to be elected by the will of the Assembly of the Voiced.

This is a matter Legate Argyris has alluded to himself, as noted in a Letter penned to Legate Saenus that has been shared with me, a copy of which is Included in this envelope. ((// https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=711091.0 ))

While the concequences of the decisions of former Legates weighing upon those that come after is nothing new, and indeed must be a part of what his Emminence wishes to impart with his experiment so common a matter is it, never has it been so Targeted, Blatant, and so deeply Irreverant to the ideals our Sultan entrusted into his Well when he delegated it's Rulership to the Assembly and the Legates it elects.

As I noted, it is not my place to attempt to sway your decisions on a matter such as this for your knowledge of his Emminence's will shall forever surpass my own, but in my relative ignorance I feel extending this invitation in the hopes your presence at the Assembly might once again restore a modicum of order to waters deeply troubled is the best course of action.

In service always to his Emminence, Sultan Osman VI, Ruler of Great Baz'eel, Inheritor of the Will of the Caliphate, Sovreign of Kha'esh, Il Modo, Qadira, and all who find a home in his Desert.

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribes of the Sublime Garden - Ephia's Well Division