Argent Argyris

Started by Moonlighter, June 30, 2024, 09:30:14 PM

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A letter finds it's way to Argent's Office.

Monsieur Legate,

It seems to me that we're as two ships passing in the night, as of late!

I even made a Bellows for a meeting, but alas, you were too busy overplaying your hand again with the Hakem.

We all must have our hobbies, no?

Still, I am always happy to hear of business propositions, provided things are carried out in good faith.

I bring this up because I have a great concern over this. Behold.

QuoteOn the Districts Noveau

I, Argent Argryis, do contend... that upon my achieving the status and authority of Legate of Ephia's Well, I shall fight tooth and claw to ensure that this New District is created around the Gate of Roses.   

In the event that this document, or knowledge of this document, is revealed to any member of the public - to any of those not witness to its scribing (Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau, Sisters Selsi and Hypatia, Balladeer Caddick, Balladeer Domergue, Legate Gloamingdaith, Acolyte Mirellos) -

-- It shall be voided.  This is the New Magick, the Clause called "A Prandium Proditorum or - The Bitter Meal of Traitors"

Argent Argyris
Maribeh 18th, IY 7788

I had no way of knowing you did not do this, until Balstan saw fit to furnish me with a transcript of your meeting with Gohari when I was advising him during the election. Here is an excerpt.

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith: The proposed site has been a topic of some debate. May I inquire if there be a suitably report as to sites outside the Gate of Roses, as well? If it be nay suitable, the knowledge of that would at least put some of our constituents' concerns at rest.

Director Ariette Gildebrand: [Her brow flattens.]

Director Ariette Gildebrand: We were told quite clearly that the site was to be the Gate of Sand.

Director Ariette Gildebrand: If you desire another survey of the Gate of Roses, this will take an additional month.

Argent Argyris: ...Shoring up the Gate of Sand has been my quiet hope for some time.  It presents an incredible weakness in Ephia's outer perimeter.  We will make the trouble vanish.  The time to sign and break ground on the site is now.

Balstan Gloamingdaith: [He strokes at his beard...]
Argent Argyris: We already made our arrangements.  [He says this flatly, glancing to Balstan with a gilt gaze..] Let's not stall out here.

This does not strike me as fighting "tooth and claw," but perhaps I am mistaken.

Still, one broken contract is not a reason we cannot do business together.

I've heard what you need, and I can perhaps arrange something. It wouldn't hurt for me to put a word in, no? But I don't intend to simply get led over another barrel without something tangible for it. Think long and hard about what you can actually offer me besides another easily broken promise, and then we can talk.

Mirielle Rosseau

big metal rod

One is likewise returned...

Mirielle Rosseau,

A Prandium Proditorum was invoked and the contract sadly annulled.  A month's delay would have meant no District at all, as the Purple's money troubles were haunting us even then and the Well would not have been able to sign and seal work with Gohari.

You must have some understanding of how much of an indecisive waffler Balstan Gloamingdaith was.  If I did not get his signature to Gohari right then and there, we would never have gotten a thing done. 

As well... a promise that is forced has no merit at all; and I was forced to that contract.  Were it not for Aubrey Domergue demanding you bring Balstan and I into a room and sign that paper, I would not have been so deeply insulted as to write in a clause permitting me to discard it.  And maybe we would have a Rose District, instead of a Sand.  Once again, you've only your friends in red and black to blame. 

So let us not pretend you and yours were not hedging your bets with the Gold Monochromacy; it wasn't the Dragon who first considered betrayal, there. 

We began our working relationship with knives held tight behind our backs.  Now we have a genuine threat between us, sitting in the Seats and waiting in the wings. 

We can begin again as friends, or we can both be devoured. 
