Ephemeral Art of the Well.

Started by Dredi, March 31, 2024, 02:27:41 PM

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Occasionally, small pieces of parchment, sketched with all sorts of images and depictions might find themselves cirulating around the well. While they may not last long under the beating sun of Pra'raj, the Wyld's winds and the coming and going of its people, some people may spot it while it lasts.

Hung upon a box marked "PEP'S HOUSE, DO NOT TOUCH MY STUFF!" outside the Krak des Roses, a small sketch has been pinned.

The Mummers Mercy

Scratched in sharp lines of quill ink, this simple sketch depicts a torn and battered jesters outfit with different tones being used to depict what would be differing colours in just grey and black ink. The outfit itself is strung up on the hilt of a sword driven into the ground with a tiny shield resting against it.

The sketch is drawn to embody the aftermath of a bettlefield, though no other figures are depicted, the blade and shield are similarly worn with nicks and cracks across their surface, though far from the scale of tears and rips that criss-cross the surface of the evicerated clothing.

Strangely, the ink on this sketch has right slightly and it smells distinctly of rose wine, with a stain of the alcohol covering much of the paper's surface.

A simple mark of the artist "T.S" rests at the bottom of the paper, which, unlike the rest of the sketch, is in pristine and unmarked ink which has not run fom exposure to the alcohol like the rest of the sketch, indicating it was added later, after the wine had dried.


Strung carefully on the fence that bridges the gap between the two benches that rest infront of the pilgrim, another small piece of paper has been hung.

Weeping Webbing

The sketch appears to show a swaddled baby resting in a simple depiction of a spiders web, the child itself appears to be wholly constructed from those same sticky strands and which make up the peacemeal effigy of a face.

The baby appears to be crying but instead of tears, tiny baby spiders run down the cheeks from where its eyes should be and across the intricate mass of webs to the simple cloth that it is wrapped in.

A simple "T.S" is carefully inscribed at the bottom of the paper.


Carefully laid out across the table on the upper floor of the krak, this sketch is pinned down by an empty bottle of wine and 3 small pebbles. It is drawn entirely from simple ink using gaps between the ink to help portray the image.

Marlin and Cawford

The sketch itself is a little absurd and appears to show the upper half of a female figure draped in robes with an arm outstreched, palm flat, to a bird. The bird is in flight, approaching to rest, or feed.

The most unsusual part of the picture however, is that the woman's head is drawn like that of a large, long bill protruding from her face and large dorsal fin sticking out of the back of her head in lieu of hair.

The words "Marlin and Cawford" and written at the top and a simple "T.S" - the makers mark, resting in the bottom right of the image.


Left in the Krak upon the table on the upper level, another piece finds itself clinging to the underside of a dry and empty mug.

Reflection on Reflections

Well beyond a simple sketch but far from a full painting at the same time this scrap of paper has a rather pronounced image drawn upon it.

Against a dark sky, a collossal green eye takes up much of the picture, slitted like a snake, or perhaps a cats eye, it casts an eerie green outline over the silhouette of an island town below. The town itself is then reflected  in the water that surrounded, but is disroted and misshapen on the surface of the water.

A singular tiny light can be seen on one side of the island, though its beacon-light fails to find itself reflected on the surface below as if it too had succumbed to the watery depths.

The piece is mildly unsettling to look and, staring upon it for too long may lead one to think the eye was truely looking at them.

On its rear the letters: "T.S" and the title "Reflection on Reflections"