Warmaster Rennik Colmes

Started by ItsHeroTime, May 28, 2024, 02:42:09 AM

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[A somewhat ink blotched letter written in a messy hand...]

Warmaster Colmes,

We have never formally met. I am Welly Wormswill, Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip, and xenobiologist. I am developing weapon for the war effort under the direction of Apothar Zol Nur. He may have breached this subject with you before. I don't know how much he had told you.

I've assembled most of the necessary materials. I had wanted to review the plan with you in full if you have time spare. More than happy to meet you in person if you do. If not, I will send a sealed set of documents outlining the weapon if you feel written correspondence is safe. Don't know your protocols.

Honestly I do doubt orcs would even be able to comprehend the nature of a magical weapon.

Eagerly awaiting your reply. I am very excited to see this reach fruition!

Welly Wormswill
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip


Nadiri Wormswill,

The Apothar has given me some idea of what to expect, and I'm eager to hear more of it. Feel free to send along some documents-- otherwise, I will send for you as time allows, that we might speak further in person.

Lt. R. Colmes