[A Golden Ephia's Well]

Started by Ziya, May 28, 2024, 10:00:42 AM

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Maribeh 28, IY 7788

The Maribeh Elections have concluded with the election of a Legate from the League of Gold...

QuoteSultan's Herald

Let it be known that Argent Argyris of the League of Gold has won the elections for the seat of Legate! They are to report to the Chamber of Rule to be officially sworn in.

Work proceeds swiftly, with the League of Gold immediately making a call to meet with representatives from Gohari Heavy Industry...

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

The Legates of Ephia's Well formally extend our invitation to the esteemed Director Gildebrand of Gohari Heavy Industries fer a meeting later this eve or in the days tae come.

At the same time, the seemingly tireless Legate of the First Seat proceeds to publish the first draft of a great legal reform intended to revise and reorganize much of Ephia's Well's Legal Code...

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

Hrmph, hrmph. After days of discussions and refinement, betwixt my co-Legate and I, alongside the dutiful Scribes of the Sublime Garden, we have prepared a working draft of the intended legal reform to our Penal Code.

T'is has been posted, upon the Notices and Bulletins of Ephia's Well. Fer at least the next three days shall it be up fer public consultation, where we are accepting letters from Voiced and Voiceless alike tae share their views and concerns.

We invite the peoples of Ephia's Well tae partake in this public discourse and debate, and tae propose what laws or amendments that yer may deem necessary fer our consideration alongside this great legal undertaking.

Live and drink, Ephians, my friends, and know that we of the League of Gold continue to labor, tirelessly, unceasingly, fer the betterment of our home and citadel.


Ephia's Well has its first Golden Monochromacy, and it seems keen on making its mark and legacy upon the citadel...


Tabbah 5, IY 7788

The Great Legal Reform was followed by the writing of the Wrath on the Stele instead of the Warrior...

QuoteArgent Argyris

Now hear this! In the wake of my co-legate's Great Legal Reform, we have another change to thrust upon you all!

No longer will we empower our enemies by dedicating our Stele and souls to the bloody-handed God of the Axe. True, he is a warrior's god, but he is too Iakmes' god. In dark hours, we pray not to the architect of our own destruction.

Instead we shall pray for the DEATH of our ENEMY. The Wroth shall hold the Stele, and our praise. Let his wiley servants, with all their guile and cunning, strike Iakmes dead in his yurt.

And the formal appointment of the Hakem of the Wheel to adjudicate crimes against the Wheel...

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

My friends, citizens, Ephians, ever must the law be worked upon, improved, and bettered, evolving ever tae fit our needs and circumstances. Behold, then, one of these steps; the Golden Legal Reforms of this day.

We shall ever continue tae better them, and we shall never rest upon our laurels; until someday, amidst our metropolis of trade and industry, we have a Penal Code that would embody our Mother's justice and the Magi's wisdom.

One crucial, important announcement, however, so lend me yer ears: the Hakem of the Wheel shall be vested with the powers tae judge Crimes against the Wheel, much like Magistrates may. Let the Wheel be our salvation, in this Age of Ash.

Live and drink, aye!