Divine Spell Failure bug

Started by TroublesomeTree, February 03, 2014, 04:36:05 AM

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I made a cleric of Hoar today, and made double sure to take all the right things (Lawful Neutral, Fate/Retribution Domains) but when I relogged to key in my deity, I got a message saying that a DM had set a special spell failure rate for my character, which JaydeMoon confirmed wasn't supposed to be happening.

I also made a cleric of Azuth (Also lawful neutral, Law/Spell domains) just to test it again, and I'm having the same problem. The Azuthian's name is Richter Noriar (no spaces).

EDIT: Direct connecting instead of using the launcher seems to have fixed this for me. Or maybe I'm super dumb and actually did do something wrong! Anything is possible. I might test it a couple more times.


I've been testing through this a little recently and have noticed that if you type in your Deity yourself when creating the character, everything seems to be fine. However, if you create the character and then use the Deity Chooser in the Starting Area, this can sometimes happen.

No idea why, but that's my findings thus far :)


Possibly, relogging before changing deity would cause this.