Deliverd to Alejandro Benjazar's Krak Room

Started by ItsAdventureTime, April 09, 2024, 01:58:55 AM

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Dear Alejandro Benjazar,

I wish to thank you yet again for your patronage and commission for a creative work to exemplify Ephia's Well, its people, and their resiliency in the war against the Thousand Clans. The work I created is titled "The Heron That Soars" and is presented below.

I hope this work meets your standard and I eagerly look forward to your feedback and thoughts.

Zaheera Nahaat

The Heron That Soars

(Softly run your hands or a drum mallet across a tambourine or other drum instrument at a pace of 60 beats per minute, to simulate the sound of wings slowly beating through the air. The verses are spoken between wing beats as the heron rests its wings and glides upon the air.)

(The wings beat five times.)

In skies clear or dark, where shines sun or star;
Gleaning eyes sees beasts upon the land mar;
From ruin and old walls they come in scores;
Watched far above by The Heron That Soars.

(The wings beat five times.)

The eyes see the horde spread across the sands;
Black blood seeping and soaking through the lands;
In its wake are the dead who failed to flee;
The Heron That Soars weeps as it does see.

(The wings beat five times.)

But this horror does not spread unchallenged;
The good rise, refusing to be savaged;
As one they rally, shouts ring in the skies;
Among great peers do beknighted heroes rise.

(The wings beat five times.)

So they march to war with song on their lips;
Righteousness brought forth on sword and spear tips;
And should they wake before paradise doors;
Their glory seen by The Heron That Soars.

(The wings beat five times, slowing in pace.)

Don Nadie

Dear señorita Zaheera,

This composition is perfect. I shall speak with other members of the War Council and specially the Champion on how to best use it, but the work will do us well.

Next we meet, please find me for your payment.



Don Nadie

Esteemed señorita Zaheera,

I hope the payment reached you yesterday through another member of my Cabinet. As per our agreement, it included the 300 and the 100 bonus, for both the great work and the speedy production. The extra 100 was meant to pay for a live performance, at your earliest leisure.

Your work was most pleasant, and I look forward to continuing our business. Should you ever desire a more direct involvement in the War Council's efforts, please feel free to seek me.




Dear Alejandro Benjazar,

I had the pleasure of meeting Mister Elias Astor yesterday and he did indeed pass on the payment. Thank you for your kind generosity.

I would be glad to put on a public performance and I wondered if you had any recommendation for the venue (Mister Astor mentioned that you are fond of Elossi's rooftop). Ideally, I would like to hold the performance at a time that you as my patron would be able to attend which I suspect would be this upcoming weekend considering when we last had the chance to meet in person.

I shall also seek you to discuss the War Council. I am curious how you think my talents could be put to use in the war effort.

Zaheera Nahaat

Don Nadie

Dear señorita Zaheera,

Regretably, my schedule tends to be the opposite of our beloved Baz'eelian friends and citizens. I shall however be elated to asist. As for venue, I like the rooftops of the Well because I enjoy the open air, but I can only recommend the Verdant Stage. As ever, I leave such choices to the artist.

The matter of the Cabinet is best discussed in person, but to summarize: it's duty is not only research into the past, but also to produce cultural works that may serve to keep the People informed and in high morale. You seem a highly capable writer and artist, and myself and Narwen, while creative, are not enough. We may discuss more details in person.



Don Nadie

Dear señorita Zaheera,

I have seen the first of your posters - good job! I look forward to seeing how your word continues. My only feedback: ideally, in the future, we may add some small sign of it being part of the Seat of Research and Culture's efforts. Not a big matter, but a useful one, should we ever have a chance to get a budget beyond our own efforts.

Speaking of budget, I was wondering if we may speak of an idea of commercial nature I have had. Let us perhaps share a falafel one of these eves? With the election finishing tomorrow, I shall either be celebrating, and happy to eat, or much more free, and also happy to eat. So let's chat soon.




Dear Alejandro Benjazar,

I had originally thought to add a small note to each poster mentioning the Seat of Research and Culture but it seems in my eager haste to post the first of many, it slipped my mind. Thank you for reminding me. I plan on refreshing the posters as the elements take their toll on them and so will be able to update the posted posters and those to be published in the future.

I look forward to sharing falafel and words with you.

Zaheera Nahaat

Don Nadie

Dear señorita Zaheera,

Should you wish to design some small logo or other, more iconic means of representing the Seat, that would also be fine.

I simply want to ensure that the work doing under our banner can be easily identified, both for the sake of justifying our Seat's existence (you shall soon see that for every person doing something, there are three naysayers in this City) and to let Ephians know where the materials are coming from. ç

Let's talk soon. Yours,



Dear Alejandro Benjazar,

Please see attached some rough sketches of initial ideas I had for a logo of the Seat of Research and Culture. I think my favourite ideas are the circular logos sketched in the top right and right side.

Mull these over and we can discuss further next time we meet.

Zaheera Nahaat
