Mansour's Black Book

Started by Mansour, March 14, 2024, 05:44:43 PM

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[Kept on the person of Mansour, in the depths of some pouch.]

A rotting tome bound in black leather - the metal adornments that once lent it some splendor were left tarnished and rusted.

The first handful of pages were notably crossed out, crudely made illegible by blotched of ink and charcoal.


Uninvitingly burnt into the first legible page of parchment, a black pentagram.

Letters of blackend blood were arrayed below the ominous symbol. The makings of a curse that inflicted pain on those who would intrude upon the man's private thoughts.



QuoteHziran 13th IY 7788 - 11 years and 34 days since the fall of the Orentid State

A great deal of time has passed since Princess Orentes was allegedly murdered by a flock of traitors and outlanders. Do not believe the lies, the Pilgrim would not be so easily killed.

Regardless of Ibtihal's whereabouts.. my long years in the Gutter have taken their toll. Most of my fondest memories have been pushed to far-off dreams, replaced by the grim scenery of the corpse littered gutter. The need to survive has occupied me so long that revenge nearly slipped my mind.

But I remember - and I have grown stronger. The blood of that outlander has stirred feeling in me I thought burried under the weight of this indignant existence. But I remember - and vengeance.. no let us call it what it is, revenge! A pure and honest craving to carve my misery into the flesh of those responsible for it.

I shall revel in it.

If Kula's brother could smile then He surely would as He looks with benevolence on my cause.

May the Wroth curse Osman the Sixth

May the Wroth curse the Fourth Legion

May the Wroth curse the Banda Rossa


[A quick and dirty account was scribbled at the bottom of a dogeared page]

Quote500 dinar - Worminger
1000 dinar - Sagebrush
1000 dinar - Donation from 'Scarab'
2000 dinar - Miscellaneous jobs

Twice that amount in vials spent on covering 'Phil's' outings, will need to dig in richer pockets.


QuoteHziran 16th IY 7788 - 11 years and 37 days since the fall of the Orentid State

My brief time in Qadira served as a welcome reprieve from the squallor and filth of the Creep.

While my taste has been shot for years, I still felt that long absent sense of indulgence from the bottles of Modan Port we threw back. At the very least they were not filled from a vat of grimy watered ale..

A brief celebration however.

Who would have guessed the Astronomers dabbled in bargains of resurrection? By word of the bellows one life for another.. The work of a Djinn I would presume, not that Osman's dogs would even care to suspect it. They will bow and scrape before the stargazers no doubt.

May Kula see them wither for invoking such unnatural powers


No matter to me I suppose, the man will have his due and now he owes me a favor.


QuoteHziran 17th IY 7788 - 11 years and 38 days since the fall of the Orentid State

Since I took the sending chip from that janissary I've had to endure the constant blathering of nonsense over the bellows, why does this thing never turn off? I suppose it's worth the knowledge it grants me - Ephians seem fond of announcing their movements.

But I won't lie and pretend it isn't infuriating.

If I held any respect for the lot above it diminishes each time they raise their voice on the stone. The self-righteous preaching of justice and consequence is laughable at best, pencil-pushers and idle Ashfolk pretending to concern themselves with matters of morality. Of course it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, the coin speaks, as it always has for the Ashfolk.

The victor decides on what history remembers.

I wonder how much coin it takes for a Banda to forget their humanity?

A few coppers perhaps...

QuoteI held a brief conversation with one of the janissary a few days in the past, he didn't appear like a recruit but he folded like one. The man was an outlander, I could tell from the sheer ignorance of his statements if not the name etched on the stone chip.

Another misguided one upholding ideals of ''protecting the innocent.''

The poor fool didn't know even a shred of history - not even the fate of his own Wroth-cursed legion. I felt pity for the man and let him go this once.. after educating him on the legion's sins. My advice to shed his ignorance will fall on deaf ears I imagine, but that is the way of things with these vultures. He may pretend to uphold an ideal if he wishes.

Should he be insolent with me again I won't be as kind.

May the Wroth unleash a plague on the Fourth Legion


QuoteHziran 17th IY 7788 - 11 years and 38 days since the fall of the Orentid State

The Dogs of the Sultan and their mercenaries have grown bold enough to march into the Creep.. Disturbing, but numbers do swell the heart of even the most crooked vermin. They did not find us there, but somehow became aware of our retreat into Qadira.. The dwarf suspects a rat, and I cannot say I disagree. It all too convenient for them.

Or it would be - the fools thought it wise to provoke Qadira, now war lingers.. Or at least the threats of war.

I doubt the corrupt statesmen of Ephia's Well have 100.000 dinari to appease Qadira. In a way if a war starts it could lead to fulfilling my desires.

Why chase the Fourth alone if I can march beside an army?

QuoteThe death of Brutus, Phil, Robert, whatever his name was in the end.. will sting. The man was an ill-mannered crook but he had his uses. The risks I took to secure a favor go with him.

A rage boils within me.

I dream of decorating the rafters with the guts of that grotesque sergeant.

May the Wroth make him choke on his own bile


QuoteHziran 21th IY 7788 - 11 years and 42 days since the fall of the Orentid State

Promising news from the few vagabonds that trickle down into the Creep.

It appears the arrogant ashfolk who stumbled into a legate's seat was fool enough to antagonise Qadira further. Perhaps this 'war' will become more than just a threat, and should it be so I may find myself with new allies.

Our new friend tells me they even demanded the head of myself and Azaghal from the Qadiran ambassador. Cleary this Ashfolk is addled, rather than pay for their transgression they make demands.

How best to take advantage of this?

May Wroth's sister favor the cause of Qadira


[A massive claw mark pierces the pages of the sordid tome, pushed and burried into bloodied sands to be forgotten.]