Senior Scribe Bashir

Started by Random_White_Guy, January 23, 2024, 05:00:31 AM

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Senior Scribe Bashir,

It is known that matters are woeful and are only likely to be made moreso. If it is a matter you deem untenable I would extend to you an opportunity to work in capacity and service as my Senior Clerk in the House of Jurisprudence.

Your talents with your works of License, your rise to Senior Scribe, and your praises have been sung by the Deputy Chief Scribe.

If you wish some distance from the Pyramid, or exemption from your current duties among the Lily PYramid, you need but ask and I shall be glad to bestow upon you such a charity of speaking with the Deputy Chief to see you reassigned in a new capacity. I intend to perform my duties to a degree beyond my compatriots, as is expected and required of my station.

If though this is not the path for you, I shall offer no judgement.

Gausim al-Marain
Honored Water Bearer of the Great Temple of Baz'eel
Magistrate of Ephia's Well
First of First Seat
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Fabulous Secret Powers

Waterbearer al-Marain,

due to an increase in labor tied to my office, alongside personal responsibilities regarding my status as a published author, I unfortunately cannot commit to a designated position at the present time. My legislative duties as a Scribe mostly pertain to acting as the court reporter, and making sure that new legislature follows the syntax set forth by precedence. In matters regarding jurisprudence I am simply untutored, and therefore rather unsuitable for such a position.

However, it is probable that I shall occasionally have some spare time to transcribe trials, in order to assist Scribe Tavitkh, who is similarly busy with his many labors. You are free to ask questions pertaining to past trials, whether in person or by letter, though most of the time I can give a mere synopsis of the case alongside the verdict. Any detailed analysis is beyond my particular set of talents, however.

If you have further questions, I shall answer them to the best of my ability. You might wish to ask Junior Scribe Emiliana Marlowe and Scribe Amound al-Dok if they would be interested in the position, though both of them seem to be quite busy working in the Stacks of late.

Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara
Head Clerk of the Office of Current Affairs