Prominent Characters of the Sands of Intrigue

Started by Stranger, July 17, 2024, 08:44:40 PM

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I will be compiling, as best I can, biographies for the "prominent characters" of the chapter. This is defined broadly, generously under the following categories:

  • The current and former Legates of Ephia's Well.
  • Any promoted member of a faction. Sister, Balladeer, Balesterie, Apothar, Sergeant, or Senior Scribe.
  • Any player faction that has existed longer than one month.
  • Villains that have done tangible harm.

Please contribute names, screenshots, and storied deeds here in this thread, for the benefit of this anthology.


Some notables who I think are thus far not accounted for:

Naelin Karstwen
Sephidra Niridhe
'Father of the Heron' Hu Prak - not a leader of a PC faction but is responsible for the Ephian national symbol
Leander 'the Throater' Nifkil
Yomar agkaem Kamarya
Gers Geiger
Mari Blacke
Itaja Sijapuros

I can help with bios for PCs here whose players are no longer around.
Redemption! Redemption!


Oh, also Salvatore di Ravioci, his Inquisition lasted for just over a month.

How do we define tangible harm in this case? Would Don Souk, for instance, beating up and robbing several Janissaries for their swords constitute tangible harm?
Redemption! Redemption!