The Words That Shook a City & The Caliginous Dunes of Mans' Souls

Started by Hierophant, May 16, 2024, 12:13:52 AM

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The Words That Shook a City, and the Caliginous Dunes of Mans' Souls:

A lament penned by Leo Tzimiskes, your Orentid Rat

Listen to the people,
They lucky few,
Who sung the words that called to reason,
Our very senses so dulled;
Woe! Doth thou sow?
Seeds of doubt?
Seeds of doubt in your neighbor, your friend?
Never and nay, for we have pure hearts and naught our worry.
Of what time will tell is a valid truth,
A truth that all men should know.

That we are not ourselves, and that we are broken men. Broken people.
Scattered, by these Caliginous Dunes that take Mens' Souls, woe!
When will it end, or rather shall I say,
When will it begin again?
The endless truth! So why, do you sow?
Sow seeds of fear?
Seeds of fear in your brother, your sister?
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Do we not stand, indeed, as brother and sister among the filth?
Among the monstrous?
The foul, the dark, the terrifying?
And what do we fear most, that is so terrifying- it is what we do not know,
And what we do not know, matters naught.

What matters is what we do know,
And we've known these things for many eons,
If not us the fools before us,
And the fools who will come after we are long dead.

But that is nothing to fear, it is so,
We remember that death comes for us all.
When you ponder on what you cannot or do not know,
A strain comes upon your mind.
Tears at it, for a certain future-
In a world of uncertainty.

The irony in my words, in my song,
Is that those laced words did not shake a city,
And the Caliginous Dunes will press on,
And on, and on,
And keep on clutching our very being.
It is a wretched, wretched thing that claws at our future...
Our very livelihood.

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?