A note for Legate Guivarch

Started by AsheandCinders, December 26, 2023, 07:39:01 AM

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I do you the Courtesy of sending this privately, as I have no desire to have the public see the government arguing with itself as you seem to.

Your constant Unilateral actions are noted, your attempts to skirt the edges of your power are noted, and your lack of comprehension of the ramifications is noted.

In the most recent case, that of Hamdan al-Hamdan, you openly and publicly defy one of the Fundamentals of the Stele. No person may hold two government created titles, and you as a single legate do not have the power to change this.

I feel I must remind you that you do not wield your own power. Yours is the Authority of our Beloved Sultan, exercised on his behalf in the understanding it is used in the Spirit of his experiment.

The consequences of violating that spirit are great, the Chief Scribe I am sure informed you on your ascension what has happened to Legates who began operating without the agreement of their counterpart.

It is my duty as one of your Scribes to advise you, and I do so here now.
Cease probing the edges of your power, nothing good for you lays beyond them.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar

P.s. It is exactly the Authority of the Scribes to Remind you the expanse of your executive power. The Chief Scribe was the one to first explain them to you. Do not forget you have served one and a half terms as part of this government, I have served over the course of Seven.



I am permitted to appoint a Magistrate unilaterally. If this concept is alien to you, resign.

If you have invented another tradition preventing an individual from holding two titles simultaneously, this is no concern of mine. I do not trade in hysterical fear-mongering.

Despite your pretence, you do not rule in Ephia's Well. Remember this well.

Redemption! Redemption!


Legate Guivarch

Put him on the Stele as such then, or his appointment is not Valid.
I have not Invented this tradition, it is a function of how our government operates.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar