Merit - A Treatise on the League of Gold

Started by Hierophant, November 19, 2023, 02:39:15 PM

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Merit - A Treatise on the League of Gold
Penned by Eamon Bronzegate

What is merit? A word oft used by the League of Gold. A foundling tenet of its identity. The election of Kanon Hray, 7787. I campaigned for change, but mostly, for merit and for merit to be given its due rewards.

To this day when hearsay reaches my ear, most often the insult of choice for those against the visions of great men such as the late Legate John Syter whom was beloved of the people or Zenithar Oro Kenthaz, infamous for his writings on the tenets and for his thesis upon the League of Gold and an exemplary notion of what family ought to mean; the house of greed, of avarice, of evil. But what is evil? And what is good? And who dares to say so when only the gods may truly know?

Indeed, many in the league have lined their pockets with the gold of their political leanings. They are not afraid to show it, and they are honest in their trade. But so too were many of them penniless refugees when they first arrived to Ephia's Well.

So was I, before I found colleagues in Mari Blacke, Qari Alrigo, Maracielo de Rancini and his dear companion, Kogo. They spoke to me about the good fortune of politics in this jewel of the Great Ash Desert, and while I sat ignorant and slept for many a week, the sudden trial and conspiracy involving the Priestess of Gellema awoke me to a clarion call.

A call that I was, in hindsight, far too eager to pursue. I learned much through it all, and I carry that wisdom with me today. You live, and you learn. But the League of Gold is not the epitome of greed, nor is it the black heart that carries avarice into the dreams of men. It is the league of merit.

It is the hope that great men and women come to lead our city. That they are grazed in the fires of initiative, and stalwart in their pursuits.

It is the hope that beside your Sultan, will be men worthy of Izdu's wisdom to give unto him counsel, and not self-serving sycophants.

It is the hope that peacemakers come to bear rank and tassel in the leading guilds, companies and businesses, so peace may reign in the Accord and prosperity will follow.

The hope that blood does not mark your place in this world, nor wealth your value. Merit can be wealth indeed, but so too can it be wisdom.

It can be a feat of arms. It can be leadership. It need not be the glisten of coin, and it is simply by the grace of having merit that you see these men in gold, their purses weighted. As said, many of us came here as refugees, and yet we've found a home and have thrived. We ever seek to contribute.

So think again as to what message the Gold conveys, for it isn't greed. It is leadership and the gall to be proud of Ephia's Well and to see it grow and prosper. The Sultan has honored our satrapy with the autonomy to govern ourselves, and rarely does the Sultan nor his representatives intervene in our government. The Ashfolk are beloved of the Wheel, and it is the League of Gold's belief in my heart that we must show the Sultan why we are worthy and more of this autonomy, so the leash may loosen and our trust grow. A blossoming relationship with Mother Baz'eel can mean only good things to come for Ephia's Well.

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?