A letter to Ameile

Started by DONT PANIC, November 11, 2023, 07:11:48 PM

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I wish to personally invite you to join the Metaphysical Roundtable, a philosophical debate to be held by the Students of Sandstone College.

Topics will be tailored to foster dialogue from the different perspectives of the clergy of different faiths.

Please consider this invitation by no later than Subat 16th.

your dear friend,

Jordan Clearcreek

// This will happen at 3PM EST, 12PM PST on Saturday the 18th

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

Subat 12, IY 7787


I very much appreciate your offer. It reminds me of the beginnings of the convocation of the Wheel that was managed for a time at the creation of Lurgan of the Twindari. Though that body sought to make recommendations as to how the faiths, collectively, believe action should be taken. It made things somewhat fraught as he was swift to realize there were vast gulfs of disagreement--including whether that body should be political or not.

By contrast, a philosophical discussion will be enjoyable. I shall endeavor to attend as one of those Speakers for Kula.

If I cannot attend, I shall write a statement that will address matters of concern for our faith, and pose a philosophical question to your company.

May She keep you in good health.


Acolyte Amelie