Letter to Legate Marcellus Saenus

Started by I love cats, November 09, 2023, 07:50:37 AM

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I love cats

Dear Legate Saenus

I write you this letter partly to say I warned yeh Letting Ast Ironbanner have any recognition by the government was foolishness. He has used the position of granted to him in foolishness to nearly wage war with another power.  Now in the interest of the security of Ephia's Well the fourth legion poses a question.

Why is it  after the Cinquefoil rose failed to protect or welcome a diplomat by the act of turning them away the Cinquefoil Rose is rewarded with this folly by being responsible for interviewing or appointing an envoy? What is the purpose of this and how does this benefit the Well or guarantee its  safety at all?

You have my assurance Ast Ironbanner will be prosecuted by the fullest extent of the law. I have no love for deep kin but his actions put every man women and child in danger and he is aware of it. He is also as I told you a disgrace to all of us and his ancestors forsaken him. He is unworthy of even having a beard.

-Soldier Lawcleaver