The Great Book of Dangers of Great Ash Desert

Started by Karwelas, November 04, 2023, 05:40:04 PM

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The Great Book of Dangers of Great Ash Desert
by Student Alecto Hadwyn-Zagar

The Great Ash Desert is a land of both beauty and danger. Among the cliffs, sands, dunes and oases, there is much history, ancient tales of fortune and tragedy, of heroes and terrible villains. But that is only part of it. There is the matter of everyday life in the Great Ring. And so this book is my testament to that.

There are things, creatures and people who wait for the moment when you are unprepared - to suck the life out of you, to feed you to their young, or simply to kill you out of spite. Some are hateful creatures bred of evil, while others are simply animals trying to survive, just like you and me. The world is dying, friends, and only we can save ourselves - so they do. But do not give up, for with good friends, your wits about you and your head on your shoulders, you can survive here, no doubt. I know that for many of you, especially refugees from the Outer Rings or Awoken like myself, this new world is terrifying. I wrote this book for you, among others, who wish for more. I hope it is at least half as useful as I hope it will be, my friends.

Get up and go, see the world. Save it, save yourself. March on to defy the sun. Drink the Water of Life, find the Paradise and live. Live and live well. And when your time comes, die well.

The dangers of the Ash Desert are many and varied. Some are due to the nature of the place, while others are due to living (or not-so-living) creatures. While this book will eventually list all of them, I want to focus on the more living part of the Great Ring's fauna and flora for the first few parts of this book.

Sand Worms or Arena Vermis

Sand Worms or Arena Vermis are, as their name suggests, a type of worm native to the Great Ash Desert. They can eat just about anything, but they won't say no to a meaty snack - including you. Their numbers are virtually infinite, and it is said that the number of these worms beneath Ehpia's Well exceeds ten times the city's population - which is a good thing, as they are one of the main sources of meat in the city. A formation called the Wormringers live off the trade.

Sand worms are not usually dangerous unless they are encountered in large numbers - by which I mean the smallest of their kind. You see, as they get older, these things get bigger - and hungrier. And they are rarely alone. They prefer company. The larger they get, the more dangerous they become - it is not without reason that "Worm Mothers" are considered so dangerous: their brood can easily flood the tunnels of the Creep if not controlled and culled. The truly ancient worms grow large enough to damage buildings and swallow whole companies - which happened to me once! Do not attempt to take them on without at least a group of HIGHLY skilled people. I think Balestiere Mirielle would agree with me.

How do you fight them? The older they get, the stronger their skin becomes, but they can still be damaged. For smaller ones, spells and other means of dealing damage over a larger area will work. However, there is one weakness you should be aware of - they hate and fear the cold! Use this on your weapon to increase your chances.

Desert Jackals and Mongrels

Desert canines are a curious breed. Their intelligence exceeds what you might expect - in both species. They are fairly standard in behaviour and general life. They hunt in groups, have their alphas and look after their members unless they are too weak or too old. They can be quite cunning when hunting, and jackals can sneak quite well because of their fur colour, but they are usually weaker. Meanwhile, the mongrels have a rather strange way of howling, which has been known to strike fear into the hearts of the unprepared.

As for how to deal with them - even a simple group of adventurers should be able to face them head on, unless they are in VERY large numbers. Jackals are sometimes led by larger, more aggressive males. As for mastiffs, there are usually between two and five of them in a group, and they are no great threat either.


In the desert's quiet, where the dunes stretch wide,
Lives the Dunecat, with reptilian pride.
With a fearsome roar and eyes that gleam,
It moves through the night like a shadowy dream.

Its fur is golden, its features unique,
But alone in the desert, you'd best not seek.
Stay close with friends when the moon's alight,
For the Dunecat prowls in the soft moonlight.

In the land of sand, where the stars do play,
Beware the Dunecat as you go on your way.
With friends by your side, you'll be alright,
Under the desert's stars, in the peaceful night.

- An old child warning rhyme about Dunecat

Dunecats are the silent death of the dunes. You may think I am joking or exaggerating, but I am not. These things can kill even the mightiest of warriors and creatures in the simplest of ways - the stealthy kill. Their weird reptilian features and spikes suggest some form of mutation, but I am not entirely sure of that. Their stealth is truly astounding and gives even the best hunters pause when their tracks are discovered - which is rare in itself, as they have been known to use their tails to cover tracks in the sand by flicking them lightly. Their sneak attacks can, if you're unlucky, kill the poor fools they catch on the spot, but that's not all! When spotted, these creatures let out a terrifying howl that strikes fear into the hearts of anyone who gets too close.

One Dunecat is bad enough... but more? Well, in that case, I suggest you pray, especially if you are alone. Maybe the gods will listen. Despite the rhyming tale quoted above, they are known to prowl both day and night. How do you fight them? Don't be surprised, that's the first thing. If you do, pray that you are not of weak will. If you fail, pray that your companions will save you. If you are alone... well. It was nice knowing you, my friend.

What is worth nothing is that the softness of their fur is not just part of folklore wisdom. It is worth a bloody lot, especially when cut with some skill. It is worth remembering.


Lions, the kings of the desert. And to be honest, I would not dispute their royal place among the creatures of the desert, for there are few things that can throw even the most disciplined troop into such disarray as a charge of lions. These big cats are known for their appetite for meat and their fierce protection of their young. Both male and female lions are considered lethal. The best way to approach lions is not to approach them at all! However, if you do have to fight them, it is worth knowing that these creatures are capable of a sudden adrenaline rush that rivals the spell of haste and can then catch even the fastest of runners - my personal suggestion is to summon a creature that will hold them at bay for a short time and RUN AWAY!

Their bites and claws can shatter even armour, so be careful. Heal your wounds quickly and remember to bring plenty of healing water. Their fur is worth a bit, so if you're good at it, don't let it go to waste.


Kobolds are a minor nuisance in small numbers, but in larger tribes or war parties they can prove dangerous even to smaller caravans. They are known to use traps in their lairs and on the road when preparing an ambush. Each war party will usually have a few archers or crossbowmen, at least a few melee fighters (spearmen or rangers) and some sort of commander - a high priest or some sort of warrior. They are not particularly dangerous, but they can take people by surprise on the dunes. They war with goblins when they meet, and usually fall prey to the more powerful creatures of the desert. If you assault their tribes, it is entirely different story. Beware of tactics they use - they can prove to be quite dangerous then.

I believe you know how to deal with them, so I will not insult your ability to fight and reason by telling you. (Hit them hard)


"Surviving a goblin encounter taught me this: Underestimating their menace is a grave mistake. To defeat them, you must strike with precision and unity, for goblins may be small, but their collective strength is a force to reckon with." - From "Against the Goblin Tribes"

As far as I remember, goblins were also known in my own world. They were known in almost every Ring of the Old City of Rings, I am told. It comes as no surprise that they are so hated by everyone, for these little bastards are one of the greatest annoyances I have had the sad privilege of encountering in just about every damned place in existence. Alone, they are a bloody joke, but in a group? Oh, then the fun begins, especially when they jump on you as you come off the board with your strength at its limit and start chasing you in numbers that dwarf anything under ten, it is the best fun you can have.

In truth, these creatures are small, cruel bastards who will steal, destroy, kill and enslave anything they can, and escape from anything they cannot. Some of their gangs are more dangerous than others - it all depends on your luck. It is worth nothing that fertility is very important in their society, and although they are mostly simpletons, their rituals of this kind are very excessive and grandiose in their own sense, but for that I will leave you to read the book by my good fellow student and friend Jamileh Attar: "The Carnal Life of the Savage Hill Goblins: An Account of Animalistic, Orgiastic Life Among the Natives of the Echoing Canyons".

How to kill them... consider it your first lesson in the dunes. Quickly, I would suggest. And brutally, if you can!


If goblins are savages, hobgoblins are a bloody mixture of their savagery and the hard, rigid forces of law that serve their evil. They are renowned slave traders and powerful enemies, disciplined soldiers and ferocious warriors. They have been known to work with worgs and wolves, sometimes even enslaving goblins for their own needs. Their war parties are not to be underestimated, as they have slain many a foolish caravan on the desert - they can rarely be reasoned with, but I wouldn't try unless it was the last thing you could do. They have been known to prowl the sands to steal goods to sell or to take slaves - Qadira has sometimes been known to buy from them. Unsurprisingly, their cunning and organised way of life is considered one of the most dangerous of the desert goblinoids.

Try to surprise them with spells and ranged weapons, then kill their leaders and concentrate on the main forces. Rarely known to flee a battlefield, they will usually fight to the death.


In the moonlight's glow, a soul's last flight,
By Nyths, consumed in the darkest night.
Magical missiles, a deadly woe,
Took a life, and bid it go.

In mournful tones, we sing this dirge,
For a life extinguished, a cruel surge.
By Nyths, the light, the darkness kissed,
In their deadly embrace, a soul dismissed.
- "Dirge for Soul Slain by Lights" by Jazmeer Davur

Nyths are strange creatures made of strange kinds of light and energy. They move through the desert and do strange things - I have not seen them very often, but they are usually near areas of arcane energy. They come in four colours: orange, green, cyan and purple. I am not familiar with them, so expect this description to grow with time, or in the second edition of this book.

As for their behaviour, they are known to be extremely dangerous due to their ability to fire magical attacks, depending on their colour: green ones use acid (quite deadly, melting to the bone!), others use other means. The acid ones, as far as I know, are the most dangerous, due to their ability to cover themselves in an acid shield, which basically covers anyone who attacks them in melee combat as if they were bathed in acid, and it hurts like hell. But it takes them some time, so attack them fast to avoid it! It can easily scar for life or kill. Be careful.


Scorpids are a strange mix of human and scorpion, created by some sort of unholy union. These very dangerous creatures are savagely civilised, capable of making weapons and armour and using them well - but they are entirely focused on wreaking havoc and torment on everyone but themselves. Their arrows are often poisoned, and their tails are deadly in close combat if you are hit badly. They also fight in large numbers, especially near their lairs - these monsters will take people there to eat them, leaving only bones.

It is always a good idea to have some sort of anti-poison on you when facing them, especially in large groups. As for company, I would at least choose a larger group or a trusted smaller one - poison can easily knock you out and it is good to have someone you can trust. Try to eliminate their archers quickly from the second line!

Melek or the Sibilant

Melek are a dangerous, degenerate form of lizardmen, followers of the Ninth Spoke of the Wheel, the Wyrm Serpent. They are utterly savage creatures, bent on enslaving and taking the entire Great Disc in the name of their Empress. You may think them weak, but you would be wrong - there are many among them who use magic, and they have the support of powerful creatures - during the Battle of Red Hill, they had the support of dragons - real dragons, to fight against the power of the Well. They also use forbidden rituals to create more dangerous creatures and mutations, usually with some sort of serpent motif or characteristics. Their main power is their numbers and the ferocity of their attacks. You should always be careful around Melek, especially if they are suspected of doing the bidding of Wyrm cultists in the area.


Trolls are another great scourge of the sands of the Great Ashen Desert - a huge tribe of them can easily destroy a small outpost, leaving nothing but carnage in their wake. They are intelligent, greedy and clever - and not afraid to show it. Their huge bodies are strong and partially immune to damage, but that's not what you should be afraid of - they are prone to many mutations, including the disease known as acid globules, which is a form of hideous symbiosis between them and trolls - they are able to release them and cause them to explode with magical acid, burning their victims. They are also prone to throwing stones and inhaling strange ashes that make them go berserk - they also have very powerful healing spells made by their shamans. It is important to note that these trolls also have the infamous ability to regenerate, which makes them almost unkillable unless you have a lethal or magical cold in the area of their magical ability, or a sonic damage blessing on their weapons.

How do you defeat them? Be quick, be decisive, remember to heal your companions and, for the love of all the gods, do not attempt to venture among them alone or you will be eaten alive.


((OOC warning: The art below contains spiders, for sake of people not liking that sight, it is spoilered. Thank you!))


The spiders of the Great Ring are numerous and come in many forms - the number of species is almost alarming, especially when you consider how dangerous some of them can be - sword spiders, skull spiders, giant spiders, phrase spiders and so on. Their venom can be harvested with the right equipment and knowledge, but first they have to be killed, and that's no easy task. It is worth using fire against them, but be aware that some of them have near-magical - or downright magical - abilities. How to fight them depends largely on the situation and the type, so I will not even attempt to do so here. For that, find an experienced spider hunter, will you?


Harpies are vile and evil creatures, resembling a cross between a woman and a bird, rumoured to have been created by the famous betrayal in City of Rings, among thousands of other tales. The important thing is that they do exist and are a real threat. Their ability to fly apparently makes them more mobile than most creatures, and the older they get, the bigger and meaner they become. Some are big enough to take a grown man in their claws and throw him into the depths of the canyons below (for they love canyons for their hiding places) - something they really love to do, laughing like a bunch of witches. Among them are powerful sorceresses who can sing songs that take away your will and turn you against your friends - beware them. Beware also of those with larger claws, for they can tear you to pieces. Near Ephia's Well, the most dangerous of these creatures is called Spindlebridge - be careful there, buy Harpy Repellent from Trusty Pete and move quickly.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Ash Revenants

Beware the Ash Revenants, in the storms they dwell,
Born from fire and anguish, a tale to tell.
In the burning winds, they rise from the dust,
A cursed existence, in vengeance they thrust.

Their ashen forms, with eyes so cold,
In the fiery tempests, their stories unfold.
Burnt souls, they seek, to add to their throng,
In the heart of the storm, they linger for long.

Keep away from the tempest's fiery dance,
Lest you fall victim to their eerie trance.
For the Ash Revenants, a warning, we send,
In the heart of the storm, where the lost souls rend.
- "Dirge of Ash, Part I, Chapter 7"

These tragic creatures are victims of ash storms - now you know why we shout about them so much, their lives and individuality burned by the positive energy of fire and ash. They are now forever condemned to walk among the storms until they fall apart, either by time or by the blade of another. The crumbling ones are fairly easy to kill, but beware the others. Some of them are able to summon phillars of burning sand from nowhere to strike an area. Others can become immune to damage over time, with each hit making them stronger until they become completely immune to one type of damage - always bring magic. Do not attempt to fight the storm. Do not try to face it. Do not try to get into its heart. For the love of all the gods, do not condemn yourself to such a fate.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.



In the caravan's rhythm, where travels unfold,
Rides the Groknak, a treasure of stories untold.
With strength in its stride, a companion so grand,
In the desert's vastness, it treads on the sand.

But beware the fury that Groknak conceals,
For when angered, its power reveals.
A creature so useful, a force to respect,
In harmony's care, our journey's perfect.
- A Caravan Master Song

Groknaks are amazing creatures, and in my humble opinion, one of the few that are suited to the harsh beauty of the Great Ash Desert. Beloved by the Stonefolk, they are often used by them as grazing animals - I have no idea whether they give milk or are simply used as mobile caravans, but you must know that the Stonefolk treat them with great respect and there are few other forces that dare to attack them among the dunes. One might wonder why exactly. Well, the answer is quite simple.

It is a towering, massive creature that can carry tons of weight on its back, can march for hours before needing to rest, requires very little water, and can make even the most hardened bandit turn tail at the sight of it. It is INCREDIBLY powerful - I have seen it grind over thirty orcs to a bloody pulp with little damage to itself. It can withstand poisonous gas, resist flames, break blades and maces if you try to hit it, and its bite or kick can send you flying into any afterlife you can imagine.  Oh, and if it sees you tampering with its young, it will become furious. Yes, those things I mentioned earlier? They can happen at any time. Angry adult Groknak? Well, let me tell you something - if you do something that stupid, the most you deserve is a funeral.

I'm a pretty calm person, most of the time, but I don't know why anyone would want to harm these wonderful, calm creatures. They deserve the fate they will surely get for doing something so MORONIC. And frankly... good riddance!
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.



These powerful but not do bright creatures are natural predators of Great Ring, known for their bandit ways even among old Outer Rings, where they sometimes appeared. Of course, there need to be distinction made - noble Ogres of First Legion are civilized servants of the Sultan and require respect, this passage talks about the uncivilized ogres only.

They are known to eat humanoids, sometimes even their own kind. Their strength is great and skin is hard to penetrate, while weapons in their hands can deal truly lethal amount of damage.
Despite great force, they are most of time too stupid to deal any way of prolonged damage unless it involves direct charge upon what that hate - but sometimes, they are commanded by much more intelligent forces or by some malevolent trick of fate, become much wiser than they should. These you should fear, for they are capable of great feats in name of evil and you can be sure that nine times out of ten they shall attempt to harm you in some way.

The best way of protection from them is traveling in diverse and experienced group that know their strong and weak sides, properly blessed and warded. Shield wall is incredibly important while facing them, so take care of your melee companions. Take care to not get flanked by them.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Quicksand Men

These creatures, crafted from animated sand, constitute one of the less significant yet more bothersome dangers in the desert. They often appear in packs of no fewer than five and come in two primary forms: stone flingers, who hurl sandstone bits at high velocity, akin to slingshots, and typical smashers, who resemble golems crafted out of sand.

These creatures possess little intelligence and are typically not very hazardous. In high numbers, Ash Storm or encountering different types of sand-created creatures can lead to the formation of deadly groups, though these are infrequent. There are larger subgroups of the aforementioned creatures, including animated quicksand clouds that move like waves or mist-like sand clouds that can impede movement. However, these types of creatures seldom accompany groups of Quicksand Men. As such, one should exercise caution and avoid impulsive approaches when encountering these creatures.

It remains unclear whether they are composed of animated sand, the product of Djinn-related enchantment or a natural species inhabiting the Great Ash Desert. Discussion of this topic is not particularly widespread among my academic peers. It is possible that Ash Storms play a role in their creation, or that they are a form of undead animated by the element of sand.  One should also be careful of getting drowned in sand by these creatures, as it isn't the most kind end that I would wish on anyone. Use your wits when going after them - who knows, maybe they have some intelligence in them after all. I wouldn't like to be one to find that out getting my lungs full of sand.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.



Beneath the Ashfolk's peaceful guise,
Revenants emerge, born of demise.
Taboos shattered, kinfolk's strife,
Darkened creatures, bred from taken life.

In shadows cast by forbidden kin,
A curse takes form, where blood-ties have been.
Silent echoes of broken trust,
Kinslain rise, for revenge they lust.

- an old poem of Ringrunners

The people of the Great Ash Desert are subject to many laws and taboos that may seem strange to those coming from the ruins of the Outer Rings or to Awoken. Often, however, these are more than simple cultural remnants from ancient times - they have to do with matters of practicality, religion or real bloody danger, just as you are about to learn.

You see, Ashfolk are forbidden to harm each other or other creatures. They shun all forms of violence, but their greatest taboo has to do with killing relatives. You may wonder why - look no further. Battles between Ashfolk were a thing - such a thing cannot be denied. Go to the shop of the great scholar, Rashid-al-Rashid, and look at the paintings there. You will see one depicting a battle between Ashen tribes.

But what happens when one Ashfolk slays another? What happens is a curse, a mighty and potent one, upon the whole race. There is a reason why the Ashfolk like to use mencenaries and paid helpers - for when one Ashfolk slays another, the slain will rise as powerful undead, bent on taking revenge on their murderer. These creatures, commonly known as Kinslain, are quite powerful despite their size and the culture's gentle approach to combat while they are alive. They do not care who carries death on their spears and claws - you will be as good a target as their murderer.

They are usually hastily buried in mass graves on the sides of the desert and slowly uncovered - they have eternity to seek their revenge. The nature of such a hereditary curse is curious - someone who made it would have to be incredibly powerful indeed. As for how to approach them: with all the bloody courage and caution you can muster. They are not to be trifled with, and they will harm you if they can. They sometimes talk, I've heard, but I don't think it's worth opting for diplomacy. Unless you want to gamble with your life. Being undead, they are weak to positive energy.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.



Gnolls are some sort of canine-humanoid hybrid. They are ferocious creatures with a carnivorous diet and nature - prone to both serious crime and petty misdeeds. They are used to taking things by force, even within their own tribes, and are ruled either by the strongest or, in very rare cases, by a shaman. Gnolls, on the other hand, feel a certain tribal bond within a pack and will not work against each other in a group, especially if they have a strong leader. However, this courtesy is not extended to anyone else. They enjoy hunting and killing, and there is no point in trying to talk to them. They tend to keep hyenas as pets and feel a good bond with them.

As tribal creatures, they are often nomadic and divided into tribes. Tribal conflicts are known to be brutal, often ending in the total annihilation of one tribe, taking their land, resources and weapons, but they will do the same to anyone they wish unless stopped by force. Curiously, they are also master scavengers, able to gather even the most useless things and find some use for them.

What is terrifying about them is their art of taking slaves and keeping them for food or worse. I would seriously advise you to find a way out rather than be enslaved by a gang of gnolls. They are masters of torture and torment and will stop at nothing to make sure you are broken.

As for how to fight a gang, a good group is a must - lone gnomes are a rarity, and usually half a tribe on the hunt is deadly for even the most experienced of travellers. You should always be aware of their hunting skills. One of the most notable tribes of gnomes are the Jackals, who live near Ephia's Well. They are known to have destroyed many caravans.

I would like to thank Richo The Waradim for information about Gnolls, they were mostly gathered thank to his help!

Eyes - Lesser and Greater

The Eyes, floating round heads with one-eyed, toothy maws, are notorious pests of the desert. These creatures are utter nuisances, and while they rarely pose any danger, in large numbers and in dangerous areas they CAN be dangerous, as their rays are capable of stunning an unsuspecting person, making them a delicious target for larger and more intelligent things.

Their rays, both lesser and greater, are capable of dulling the mind and stunning a person, as mentioned above, while also damaging the body. They can also bite with their jaws, which they also use to eat. The Greater variant is often the leader of their group, with much more power to their magical rays, and commands them in some way. They move by hovering above the ground and may be able to fly upwards, although I have never seen this.

The quickest way to deal with them is to kill them with a powerful spell burst, such as a fireball, that hits their group while they are gathered in one place. Chain Lightning may also work. If this is not possible, ranged and melee weapons will make short work of them. There is no need to worry unless you do something very stupid, you are in dangerous terrain, or something surprises you. And being in the Great Ash Desert... expect surprises. Often.


Deep, deep down.
Sometimes, when one is Chained to place, the place is Chained to them.
Some legends have grain of truth.
He Awaits Chained with his Court.


Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Dust Devils Crawlers

Dust Devils Crawlers are a subspecies of Ooze - these creatures are mindless shamblers that feed on whatever they can find, but they can also be quite cunning. They will engulf their victims and eat them whole, slowly digesting them in their oozey insides. They usually have a dust/sand colouring to help them hide in the underground tunnels that are their favourite hunting ground.

However, what makes these creatures one of the MOST DEADLY described here is their unique and nasty ability - they can paralyse anyone they touch, making them unable to move as long as they are touched, unless their body is strong enough to withstand the effect of their poison. This is, of course, a perfect predator technique, and I have seen it used on many people before they were dragged out. Engaging them in melee without proper preparation is, in my opinion, akin to suicide, and there are really more pleasant ways to do it - so please don't engage them without said preparation. Spell of Freedom or the right potion can save you a lot of trouble, but this ability can work on MULTIPLE PEOPLE at once, so don't be surprised if your whole team gets devoured this way if you get too close. They also have amazing "hearing" abilities, sensing vibrations.

If you have to fight them, you are already in trouble, but if you have to - use magic and ranged weapons. Do not get paralysed. Do not get devoured. You will thank me later.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.