Legate Marcellus

Started by Random_White_Guy, November 06, 2023, 12:27:07 AM

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In the wake of the Gold League Meeting, a series of bellows raised. Afterwards a small ashfolk pays his respects and leaves missive.

QuoteHonorable Legate,

On behalf of the League of Gold and our formal meeting this day, they send forth the Following

"With the conclusion of the Gold League meeting, much prosperity to come as new plans have been drafted. First and foremost however comes a singular concern - A deviation from honorable precedent among the Leagues.

As shared in formal discussion of the Gold League, Our first act of our meeting was to see this deviation remedied. It is tradition that when two Leagues hold the Seats of League, a Magistrate is raised from the unrepresented League.

There is of course no outright actions that can be taken by the Gold League to remedy this matter, and by no means is it required, but such a charity is the sort of thing that is repaid in kind. And the absence of such is indeed insult.

For when Sol Auk and Zaniah sat as Legate, did we raise one of the White League, as the Scribes counseled us. Suffice to say the Legates are free to do as they so please on this matter. But the Gold League has many ways to serve as opposition party. Weigh such and do let us know."

Also Sol Auk wishes to extend to the Legate as the White League seat is soon up for contention that one of the Purple seats of Magistrate be considered.

"A recommendation for the Dwarven soldier Ast. As he sits Captain of the Al-Sayyad a reputable organization with ties to all Leagues and Accord and reputable business with all. Live and Drink"

Rakim Secretary of...

Sol Auk
Exchequer of The Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


*The letter is received though no immediate response it sent*