A Query to Chief Scribe Ashbury (copies also sent to Domhnall and Nasreen) DM

Started by WriterX, November 04, 2023, 09:14:24 AM

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Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury,

 In preparation for the upcoming Festival and Feast I would wish to ask for a list of possible locations for a Feast within the Well.

 To sum up the plan, as it currently stands in its crude form, for most of the day there will be a Festival held in the Plaza, where different cooks will open their stalls, offering their meals to the people, with a subsidy from the government to provide a certain amount free of charge, especially to those who cannot afford such. I have tasked a few people with seeking out possible musicians and entertainers who would perform from the rooftops around the Plaza, for the people below. There may also be an opportunity for some competitions but this early on none have been planned for.

 We would also have to set out some tables and chairs, tents if such were needed, around the Plaza.

 While the exact food subsidy has yet to be decided I would also be interested in how many different cooks would be interested in opening their stalls, as that may help the calculation.

 After the Festival, or as the day will be nearing its end, I would wish to organize an "Ambassadors' Feast". Where we would invite the present Ambassadors in the Well, and send invitations to other nations, states and cities of the Desert, as well as, of course, Baz'eel. The guest list would also include one member of each of the Accords, highest of rank or authority, who would represent them during said feast. I will sadly not be able to attend the feast, as I will be unavailable during this time, but Nasreen may be able to represent myself.

 We also pondered on the possibility for a number of seats to be available to the Voiced who would be willing to pay an entry fee.

 What I would ask of you is a list of possible locations where such a Feast could be held. The options that we came up with during my meeting included the Gala Hall, beneath the Hall of Coinchangers (if they ever resolve the rat problem) and the Terrace (if such is a possibility at all).

The sort of information that would be crucial is:

- Cost of Renting or Preparing the Location for a Feast
- How many guests we can feasibly host
- Relative (or assumed) beauty or prestige of the location
- Possible cost of preparing everything for our guests (or cost per guest)

If we assume a very rough estimate of our guest list it would include, at bare minimum (and I do underline, this is a minimum, if we assume we will not invite anybody else):

- 3 Accord Representatives
- 1 Ambassador of Qadira
- 1 Ambassador of Kha'esh
- 1 Ambassador of Frostport
- 1 Representative of Baz'eel
- 1 Representative of Alkab
- 1 Representative of Banafsi (if available)
- 1 Representative of Il Modo
- 2 Legates (Or, 1 Legate and 1 Prelate)

Among additional guests we could possible have (depending on availability):

- Our Great Sultan's Daughters, Crown Princess Faziima, Princess Hasheema , Princess Shaimela
- The Vizier of Kha'esh (though, truth be told, I do not know if he would be interested in such a Feast)
- Maharajah of Qadira (if I drown all of my memory of his actions, perhaps a good thing that I would not have to see him)
- Ibn Ghalish's Mother (I am certain he would enjoy that very much)
- 1 Representative of the Sandstone College (while not a political power it would be a kind gesture toward them)

And there might be a list of additional seats for those among the Voiced who would wish to attend, but these would have to be paid for, by them, in order to attend the Feast (the exact price for such would have to be decided). The above list may also be incomplete. If you suggest additional guests please add them with your response.

Forgive the length of the letter, but there is much consideration going toward all of this, and I am dedicating what limited time I still have to see as much of it through as is possible.

Live and Drink,

Legate Marcellus Saenus