The Journal of Elli Hamdi

Started by Haroshia, December 27, 2023, 01:06:53 AM

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After circling it since ringfall, and wandering the wastes, I've finally made it to Ephia's Well.  The center of conflict.  The nexus of chaos.  The place where it seems all madness rotates around. 

It's actually rather serene seeming once you get inside.  Odd jobs to do, and monster infestations in certain places, but nothing where it feels like suicide walking in there.  I've met a few brave warriors, and the Axe's blessings have served me well so far. 

I managed to join the illustrious Sandstone College, to further my studies into engineering, strategy, logistics, and tactics.  Given how prone this place is to conflict, it's only a matter of time before another great battle looms.  Perhaps when it does, I'll have built enough of a reputation for those in power to allow me to influence it.  Perhaps not.  Either way, this place will prove a challenge worthy of a cleric of Agaslakku.


Been a while.

I've mostly been in studies lately.  Made a few new friends.  A fellow Agasian named Bruno has been running into me a lot.  He's more the typical sort of cleric of the war god, but we make a good pair.  Also a dwarven woman named Malika has shown herself to be more than capable and good to work with.

Found an orcish war axe buried in the head of some poor sod in the Gutters.  No idea how it got down there, but it's sharp as the hells and burns with fire as well.  Glory to Agaslakku for putting it into my hands, and may it serve me will for his glory.

Today, I couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic.  Took a job slaying some kobolds in a monolith tunnel.  Reminded me of the old days with the squad before Ringfall.  Got a little scary too, but with good companions and strategy we prevailed. 


I continue to battle every day, becoming stronger and stronger over various jobs.  Agaslakku blesses me with his fires, and they consume all who oppose me.  Gnolls so far are terrifying.

Glooms are all over the place too.  These are things that are unique to me, but it means monsters seem to have some weird abilities.  Fought against some Meleks (Maleks?) today that had the ability to create copies of me when I chopped em.  Really weird fighting against yourself...but good training I suppose.

A local devotee of Kula got really political on the mound.  I dunno why but it didn't sit right with me.  I think it was because I was expecting a sermon and instead I got a political statement.  Still, after we went and sanctified an altar to Kula.  With permission I made sure it was tested by Agaslakku as well by smacking it with my axe.  It stood up to the smack, so it's proven its strength. 

It's really nice, falling back into this sort of thing.  Reminds me of back home.  Every day going out on sorties against the goblins or the kobolds.  The ones here ain't so different really.  Same tactics work.  Same weak joints and thin necks.  War really doesn't change, and there's a great comfort in that. 

That said, that old life is as dead as the Ring it's from.  The gods are dead, my friends are dead, the whole damn ring is dead.  Consumed by Nothing...picked clean.  Doesn't make sense to think it too much.  Have to look forward.  Try and make this place a good home because well...I've wandered for a while, and I can tell you there isn't much out there better than the Well.


The fires rise.  The desert burns.  I've realized that in order to make any real income and not keep spinning in place, I need to do more than just board contract work.  I've started actively hunting bounties.  It's far more dangerous, but I've got some things I need to purchase. 

Like a Voice...I guess...eventually.  And Blurrings.  And just so so much.

Thankfully I can feel Agaslakku's blessings upon me making me stronger.  I'm learning more of the dangers that this place faces...adjusting my tactics accordingly to strike down danger.  Growing.  I've even chosen one of the "Leagues" they have here.

I decided to go for White, for now.  They seem the ones who actually understand the concept of merit on their sign, but I'm unsure if their members practice what they preach.  I've chosen a candidate to back now at least, in the hopes they follow through on their promise to allow themselves to be held accountable.

If I'm going to help this place with my knowledge, I need those in power to understand it and respect it.  That will come with time, consistency, and exposure.  Let's hope I can pick the right person. 


I remember when I was in the Tunnel Corps and I read this old book of gnomish military tactics.  It contained such nuggets of wisdom as "Do not charge your enemy over water" and "Control the terrain to force your enemy into choke points".  Most of all though, it spoke of fools going to battle, then seeking to win, and wise warriors winning the battle, and then getting to the fighting.  All of it had seemed so common sense at the time to me it was laughable.  The sort of thing felt obvious.

Ephia's Well is packed to the brim with fools.

I've been studying the history of their military engagements, and every single one has been deciding to fight, barely preparing, gathering zero intelligence, and charging off to battle relying on luck.  Every single battle has been a slog, and a slaughter, with "victories" gained at immense cost.  The battle against the Blood Orcs was no different.

I had a terrible feeling in my gut as I went to the battle.  It's a feeling of knowing there is no leadership, and no plan.  It's a feeling of marching to death, as every single warrior is uncertain.  All I could do was call on my faith in Agaslakku that I might survive this encounter.  When I arrived, I saw about what I expected.

The Orcs, prior to falling to this blood heresy, had been faithful to Agaslakku.  They had constructed fortifications taking advantage of terrain, from which they rained down death on us.  They prepared flanking and ambushes that tore into us.  They fought smart, and we fought stupid, and we paid for it.  It is only at a massive cost of blood and coin in the form of potions that we managed to achieve "victory".  What did we win? 

We pushed back a small enemy force, and gained potions more than we could carry.  Most of them were left lying in the sands.  The coin we spent was almost certainly more than we gained, and the numbers of the enemy were barely diminished.  I was wounded severely, along with many others, and the Well as a whole was weakened further.

This is what I feel I was put here to avoid, but it seems impossible when so many fail to even appreciate the problem.  The Well is full of dead from these stupid military decisions, but they keep being made unapologetically.  The Well could be strong, but every time it begins to rise it cripples itself by making these mistakes. 

Agaslakku grant me the ear of somebody who will listen, and think before marching to war.  Put them in power, so the Well might become a strong power in the Wastes as it should be.  This oasis is squandered in the hands of fools. 


A new battle is looming, but this one we have a chance to prepare for.  Of course I'm not exactly in the room for it, but it sounds like some good steps are being taken.  Hopefully those around the Legates can keep this from getting too fucked up.  I'm starting to see how the Well functions.

Legates in charge with big voices and small brains, and people around them trying to at least be capable.  It's a terrible system honestly...the more time goes on the more I feel Baz'eel has set things up to fail.  Apparently it's not an uncommon belief among those in the League of White. 

It's frustrating to see such a narrow view that I see.  To know so little, hope for so much, and not feel like I have the power to say much of anything.  To swallow my pride and agree with the Blasphemer on tactical try and convince people to not make martyrs out of the Dome followers.  It's sensible to believe in conservative solutions when you recognize your own ignorance and lack of power.

Agaslakku, grant me opportunities.  Grant me the wisdom to use them properly.  Grant me the insights to turn the Well's eyes towards the powers that threaten it, rather than turning in on itself.  I beg you, grant me some plan that I might stop this Oasis from falling apart. 


How frustrating it is to know how much one place has so many over a barrel.  Alkab being the last bastion of food means they can call any shots they want, and they know it.  Of course, they to an extent depend on the Well, but the Well's will is ultimately driven by Baz'eel.  How desperate people must have been to sign such a stupid accord.

The Well must find independence from Baz'eel if it is to flourish.  As it stands now, we suffer the consequences but reap none of the benefits.  We are placed in the vanguard to die, as Baz'eel cowers behind their geomancer barrier.  Baz'eel does nothing for us besides occasionally swoop down, nod at our Legates, and return to their floating terrace.

It will not always be this way though, and Baz'eel knows it.  They will run out of Geomancers.  The Terrace will not float forever.  They are decaying just as the rest of the world is, but they are stalling.  Why are they stalling?  What do they think will save them?  That's the real question we need to be asking.

Agaslakku, grant me wisdom in these trying times.  Allow me to see a path to let the Well become a safe and secure home for those who dwell there.  Allow me to see a path to freedom.