From Sewers to Sandstone

Started by EvilResearchGroup, November 01, 2023, 10:57:51 PM

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From Sewers to Sandstone

A guide to 'pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps' in the seemingly bereft environ of the 'Gutters,' written by none other than Delmar Miniskos!

It is with utmost respect and humility that I submit the following prose for the benefit and erudition of future refugees, that they might make a name for themselves or at the very least acquire a gainful trade or purpose while in Ephia's Well.

Ah, you poor fettered refugee, stinking of desperation and camel dung. Fret not! Tis I, Delmar Miniskos, here to provide you a plan befitting a noble soul such as yourself to toil and eventually prosper from within this bastion of blessed life, Ephia's Well. Unfortunately, this method is perhaps not for the squeamish or those of meek constitution, yet nevertheless if you persevere with my method even the Wastes' daintiest flower can find success.

The key to all of this is the humble sandworm. The sandworm is a disgusting creature that is prolific throughout the Wastes and is generally considered a nuisance for their aggressive nature when encountering anything of meat (namely, people much like yourself). These creatures would have died out long ago were it not for their ability to voraciously subsist on literal filth and then prolifically reproduce. These creatures also possess an envenomed bite, but most hardy individuals seem to shrug such off with little worry. Commonly, these creatures will be similar in size to a snake, but rarely they will grow to an impressive size. Some theorize or even claim sandworms have grown larger than buildings and could grow indefinitely provided the right conditions, but such claims must be the product of exaggeration. Surely.

You might be asking what the sandworm has to do with your prosperity? Within Hasheema's Hope one can entreat oneself with the local Worminger's guild for a small bribe. This provides one with a useful amulet which also doubles as a key into the Gutters thereabouts, but more importantly than this, the guild will now pay you to bring them chunks of worm meat.

What do they do with the worm meat, you ask? Hah hah! I don't want to know, and probably neither do you, dear reader.

This, my good friend, is simply the prelude to profitability. It is an open secret that the city is in fact built upon miles of architecture that has since been built over or covered in sand. There is no shortage of treasure for the intrepid explorer that can brave the environs there below, and (generally speaking) at relatively low risk to oneself. As such, the Gutters are a stomping ground for many up-and-coming adventurers looking to make a quick dinar looting some forgotten stockpile. By signing on with these ragtag bands you too might share a portion of this treasure.

Delmar, you say, I know nothing of swordsmanship and have no business on an adventure! That is the beauty of it, dear soul, for with a suitable companion your skill in battle matters not! Simply offer whatever protective spells you might upon your companion and, failing that, sprinkle B'aara's healing waters on them from time to time.

Selecting a Suitable Companion:
Ideally, your companion will possess at least one, if not all, of the following traits: protective armor, a shield, a 'kill or be killed' attitude, and/or an impressive size. These traits will be most helpful in keeping you from being bitten by sandworms and other troubles in the Gutters. Other traits you might normally wish in a companion, such as beauty, wit, grace, or simple manners, are actually of far less importance for this particular sort of enterprise.

As mentioned above, your boon companion will benefit from whatever protective spells and magics you can offer, but even failing that sufficient water sprinkling will keep your companion upright and killing things. You should endeavor to keep your companion between you and the things trying to attack you that are ahead in the Gutter/tunnel/hole you happen to be in at the time. This can be assisted by providing useful prompts like, "Go on," "Forward," "No, let me loot that," and "Let's keep going!"

As you find discarded treasures your supply of goods will increase. Obviously, healing waters are of use, but beyond this, potions of retreat and invisibility can be useful to you in the tragic event things do not go entirely according to plan. Consider, however, that much of that 'garbage' has a use to someone somewhere. Gems and antique coins are of value to the goodly coinchangers found in Palm Heights, 'goopy' gemstones are a substance formally called Baubalium and purchased by the Nadari in the Souk, and an Ashfolk fellow named Caleb in the Souk is known to buy many other odd ends. I have little doubt with some enterprise on your part the rest of your kit might be sold to some other up-and-coming adventurer, but do try to be sly, for the truly enterprising merchant does technically require a trading license.

It should go without saying that the fellows being bitten and bludgeoned might deserve said treasures slightly more than you do. Whether or not you personally agree, there would be wisdom in allowing your boon companion(s) to select their share before you, for they will likely not balk at your company in the future if they find themselves continually enriched.

There are a myriad of dangers in any adventuring enterprise, but the Gutters are a somewhat limited environ where most risks can be calculated. The first level of the Gutters is relatively safe (relative, of course, with respect to the dangers one might encounter in the Wastes beyond the city), populated mostly by sandworms but also with the occasional rat, slime, or carrion crawler.

The Deeper Gutters are barred by lock, but the key can commonly be found in parts while one explores the Gutters. The parts are actually somewhat ubiquitous, but even if you do not acquire a complete key, one can generally count on an adventuring companion to possess one. The Deeper Gutters, unfortunately, can be a bit more dangerous than the upper portion. In addition to the above threats one can find lesser undead and spell casting constructs which in number can pose a threat to a ragtag assemblage of adventurers.

Finally, crime is not unheard of in the Gutters. Most bandits aren't so brazen to attack a group of adventurers singly, but a lone worminger might have his or her purse taken if caught unawares. One would be most wise to be prepared for all manner of troubles when in the Gutters.

Could you continue to go deeper still in paths unknown and find greater treasures still? Most probably! Will there be greater threats? Undoubtedly so! But I wish you all the best of luck and B'aara's grace in your endeavors, brave reader. Take heart in the thought that the steps you walk have been trodden before.

Delmar Miniskos
Student of Sandstone College
I played EFU before it was cool.