
Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, November 12, 2023, 12:08:37 AM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A shorter poem is published in the Well in a familiar, rough-pressed style.]



The Ambassadors

Acolyte Amelie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine

In the Style of the Kulamet
Subat 12, IY 7787

Second Edition

Unto the sands in holy count;
The eight set out and sought without;
Upon their shoulders standing fast;
A hope that peace should stay and last.

The measure of the tale they weave;
Is works most fine, and music breve;
That lengthy note shall echo long;
And weave for us harmonious song.

That we shall set to desert's stage.

Ambassadors we name them now;
These eight whose burden we allow;
To carry forth our Wellspring home;
That greatness marks in Izdu's tome.

And welcome we their joyous news;
That those once spurned shall now excuse;
All bitter works hithertofore;
And pass with us through friendship's door.

In echo through the coming age.