[Letters to Legate Candidates: Eamon, Marcellus, Aubrey]

Started by KreShar, October 24, 2023, 09:52:14 PM

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Hello, esteemed Candidates;

The students of the Sandstone College would humbly invite you to speak to the learned men and women of the Well within our halls.

We, the students, would wish to hear how you would foster learning in the Well and support our next grand discoveries. It is a perfect time to present your platforms to our scholarly community. It will also give us a chance to discuss how the Sandstone College could be of greater help to the Well and allow you to hear directly from us Students what issues we find important.

Students of the Sandstone College


Dear Students of the Sandstone College,

Any day between now and the twenty-seventh of Kanon Hray would be a fine day for a debate in your esteemed college.

My topic of suggestion that I put forth is Amadeus Bucket's "Study on Domehead Influence", of which I bear a copy and can provide others for those in attendance to discuss and fan the healthy fires of a debate that bears much relevance for the days to come in Ephia's Well.

My thanks for your initiative to reach out. Live and drink.

Eamon Bronzegate
For Better Days
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Students of the Sandstone College,

 I would be happy to partake in a debate, or otherwise, offer my own thoughts on any topics the students would wish to bring up. Let me know whether there would be a specific time for such, or whether I should offer a time for my own presentation.


Legate Marcellus Saenus



I am ever enthusiastic to step into the stage of public discourse.

I suspect we shall need to schedule the debate sometime during week's end, but I shall happily attend.

  -- Aubrey Domergue

// Generally unavailable until at least 5:30 CST on weekdays.