Letters to Daoud, and Nasreen

Started by Qari, October 24, 2023, 03:16:57 AM

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[A copy is sent to both.  One at the Krak for Daoud, the other at the Shabani Estate in Palm heights]

My friends, Nasreen and Daoud.

They came for me.

Azimi, Domnhall, Kanthaz, Stern.   I confronted Azimi on her involvement and not a day later, I am accused of scrying without a license, and being a Qa'im Collaborator.  Had a sergeant not stopped in, there may well have been a trial, akin to Mari's.

A copy of my preliminary report was made and taken from me.

Our discussions and your testimony and findings on the matter of Mari Blacke are no longer private. I am sorry. Azimi absconded with a copy.   Make no mistake.  Azimi is involved. He fear upon my confronting her was real. 

I write this to you, in case they try again.

Qari Alriyh,

Scholar of Baz'eel.