A letter to Hamdan al Hamdan

Started by Don Nadie, December 14, 2023, 09:40:48 AM

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Don Nadie

To the Esteemed Vizier Hamdan al Hamdan,

Word of your travel agency has reached my ears, with rumors about some Frozen Towers. Needless to say, I'd love to participate in an expedition led by the grand explorer, master diplomat, heavenly poet, verbal swashbuckler, celebrated philantropist, media mogul, research expert [the list goes on for a while] and dashing bachellor Hamdan al Hamdan.

I can contribute many talents to such a trip. Foremost, I am quite a decent translator and have vast reserves of knowledge to draw upon. This means not only the ability to interpret the words, but to find the depths of their meaning. I also, of course, am good at aiding others in their scholarly endeavours. I am resourceful, not half bad with a sword and shield, good for morale and capable of recording your Heroism for posterity. And, in a pickle, I have plenty of tricks. I do hope these arguments are persuasive.

A contribution to the trip expenses can also, of course, be arranged.

