Started by Fabulous Secret Powers, October 24, 2023, 04:04:43 PM

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Fabulous Secret Powers

Quote from: One of many colorful flyers, placed at various venues of Ephia's Well

I am looking to adopt a black cat for a friend. The cat should be naturally black, so please don't bring in a cat that you dumped in some black paint. Also, you shouldn't do that in general, because cats are really sensitive creatures, and dumping them in paint is really, really wrong.

The cat should belong to you. Please don't steal someone else's cat. Please ask around if a cat in an alley belongs to someone else. Please don't contact me about cats that you do not know the ownership of. Please do not contact me about lions, cheetahs, lynxes, panthers, cougars or any other large wild cats. I am looking for a housecat, or a magical cat, not a cat that eats a few tons every day. And no shapeshifters! It has to be an actual cat!

Kittens are preferred, but adult cats will be also considered, based on their personality. The cat shouldn't be scared of magic, as its new owner will be a talented and diligent wizard, who lives in a tower filled with other mages. If it is a magical cat, the magic pertaining to it should be perfectly legitimate! Please do not bring in any eldritch horrors that merely take the form of a cat, or cats that are cursed, or cats that a really lonely witch was forced to give away because she had too many, and it was bothering her coven.

I am willing to pay a lot of dinari for the cat. Your payment will be based on its age, its health, its personality and its cuteness. If it's an especially smart and cute cat, you will be paid at least 2500 dinari! If it's a smart and cute kitten, it is guaranteed that you will be paid even more!

Please contact Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara! I have a room at the Krak de Roses!