Eamon Bronzegate's Manifesto

Started by Hierophant, October 19, 2023, 11:33:19 PM

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The Manifesto of Eamon Bronzegate
Under the Auspices of the League of Gold

An Opening
The politics of Ephia's Well have been wrought with broken promises. So this will not be a list of even more promises to break, but a declaration; a stride towards good fortune for all. The only promise in these words, is a promise I know will never be broken. The promise that I will do everything in my power to see it done, if I am graced by a Legate's seat with your undying and most welcomed support to my clarion call for change in this city we hold dear and call home.

Assemblies & The Voiced
Too long has the hefty cost of citizenship been fluttering the air of doubt. Not once but twice and more have I heard those without a Voice but the coin to purchase one, that they feel it is a pointless debacle.
This may be true. As it stands, an assembly is often held once a month and once a month, the Voiced of the realm may speak before their Legates and their neighbors and make their concerns, questions and aspirations known.

My vision of a prosperous city will have no such qualms. Assemblies will be pressed and held once a week, so that four assemblies are held a month. The purpose of this is to ensure every Voice is heard, and that not one citizen - lest they choose - will ever miss the opportunity to speak.
Voiced themselves will be heard, they will be listened to, and courteous response will be met with action. No longer will your concerns be shrugged away. No more will you feel left in the dark by your government. No more will you fear your right to live & drink in this Well.

Those who take Voiceless under their wing, to speak for them in the assembly and ensure their concerns are met as well will be given generous incentives. The only way forward is through cooperation. Together, we can grow stronger; together, we will rule and thrive. Through merit, proper reward.

Independent Guilds & Associations

John Syter had a dream. He too held a vision of what this city could be, and he strived ever onward towards that purpose - and while the Leagues of Purple & White housed cultists of the Wyrm, our dear Legate was murdered in cold blood.

Incentives and grants shall be given to those who strive to build something in this city, and do not have the support the Accords do.

You can rest assured knowing your government respects and values your hard work and your craft, be it navigation and chartering or an affordable education within the Sandstone College.

Laws will be pressed to give more rights and protection to your properties, your business and your vocations. This will of course carry its back nobly to our fair Voiced.

Legal Reformations in Ephia's Well

Reformations will be challenged in the law, Magistrates will be vetted accordingly and trials will no longer take place the day of a crime or accusation. I will do all that I can to correct the flaws in our judicial system, to ensure our people can trust in the law whose purpose it is to protect the innocent and damn the guilty.

The Accord
The Accord is a sacred agreement that has served Ephia's Well well. It will continue to do so, and I respect the institutions that allow our city to function.

The Shade is our salvation, the Rose our passion and the Sultan's Janissaries our protection. Without one or the other, our city would surely collapse.

What does not serve our city well is corruption, bribery and nepotism. If we are to strive for a transparent assembly & government, then changes must be made. That change begins with a Legate who truly serves the people, not those who hold leverage against him or political pressure. I'll not hide behind closed doors.

I will strive to see this city united, so that it may be at its strongest. Every citizen of Ephia's Well can make a difference, and everyone in Ephia's Well can be a citizen. I will not hold backroom meetings every quarter of the morrow; my office would be open to all, and under my strides I hope to give unto you all the tools and the encouragement to speak your mind and find prosperity through merit, no matter who you are or where you come from. A classical tenet of the League of Gold to aid & uplift others, so we may commune as Ephians for Ephia.

Eamon Bronzegate for Legate. Ephia for Ephians.
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?