[A sealed missive] [[DM Howland]]

Started by 55million, October 19, 2023, 08:01:25 PM

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[A sealed ink-smeared envelope is left with the remaining Modini scouts at the caravan pass. The seal is addressed "Scout Capitano" and marked "Confidential"

QuoteSalve, from the wasteland of Ephia,

Since my departure from our beloved floating city, I have found firm footing within the confines of the Sandstone College, and the hearts of the Well's populace. These halls have afforded me a unique vantage, one that offers insights into their coveted artifacts and long-buried truths. Truths that could weaken, if not entirely undermine, the Sultan's grip on its people.

I pen this letter with a simple proposal. Consider my mind and spear a vessel of your very own design. Point me towards your interests, and they will become mine. Together, we can  continue to see the scales of power tip towards  Il Modo, as they always have.

I will return to the city alongside my fellow students in the coming days, bearing gifts. Let us share words at the Canale Cantina, nearby the Lamp, as I drink myself through the many lectures of my colleagues.

Con rispetto,
Ettore Lazzari


In solemn chambers of hushed voice
and silent tread
is this letter read.