Election Candidate Summaries, Provided by the Scribes of the Sublime Garden.

Started by AsheandCinders, May 23, 2023, 08:54:58 PM

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From the Offices of the Scribes of the Sublime Gardens


For public disclosure, all candidates listed on these postings were given a choice of summaries, and chose the ones presented. Any candidates not represented within these postings either did not provide information to enable the creation of such a summary, or did not return to select an acceptable summary.

Election of Maribeh, IY 7787

Toleigh Castal
League of Purple

Opportunity is never to be wasted.

Toleigh Castal is a man who understands Opportunity and Potential. One of the most noted and long standing merchants of the Well, he had made a fortune many times over, and seen it invested back into his efforts to serve the well with steel and sheer will as one of the brave mercenaries defending the Gate of Roses and leading or protecting expeditions out beyond into the dangerous wastes.

A Proud Purple League member, he would see the Well make itself a shining example of what the Aid of Baz'eel can allow. With plans to repair the Gate of Sand, providing far greater ease of movement to the many treasures and hidden gems of Ash wastes and bring forth yet grander trade in assets of both financial and historical value through  it into the hands of those best able to make use of them.. To make our well the booming crossroads of trade and knowledge he knows it has the possibility to be under his careful and guiding hand.

Looking to give back to the people, he would give financial sponsorship to further guilds of those holding important Mercantile and Archeological roles within the Well. Ensuring they are well funded and well encouraged to see our prosperity boom.  His Generosity is deep and eagerly indulged in.

He is Determined and Robust, Facing hardship head on without flincing or faltering and continuing without submission until he sees his work through.

Candidate Toleigh Castal, A man anyone can find reason to stand behind.

High Priestess Mari Blacke
League of Gold

The King is Dead, Long Live Us.

High Priestess Mari Blacke stands as a Candidate for Tradition and Piety. A well known figure among the well, while not all will share opinions on her almost everyone will have spoken of or met this Dedicated and Devout preacher of the Sabotage. And Through her the refugee populace learns to truly respect the Great Wheel that bless our lives.

She has served the well proudly and Ably as a Magistrate under Legate Sol Auk, and in her tenure has ensured justice and fairness prevail, while seeing misfortune fall upon the guilty and wicked. Her Steadfast conduct in the face of the worst of the Well is as unyielding as her deep faith and calm disposition.

Blacke is a Candidate for the Ambitious, befitting one of the League of Gold, Seeing the Hardship and Strife of her Divine Mistress as tests to see the Strongest and Wisest thrive, and the respectful be protected from ill fortune. Those willing to embrace the new, the unknown, to take the leap into bold new futures. These are the ones who will thrive under her Legateship.

Mari Blacke is not a choice for the faint hearted, but the Bold shall have their reward.

Pirouette Manners
League of White

What good is a voice with nobody to hear it?

Pirouette is a Candidate that will see you never need to ask such a question. With a strong drive toward seeing the will of the voiced played out as spoken, she strives to ensure the People are heard and that their contribution to the well and to her legateship shall not be forgotten or ignored.

Her recent acceptance as a Student of the Baladeers of the Cinquefoil Rose is a testament to her dedication to see life and joy restored to the well in the wake of terrible tragedies and loss.

The People of the well are at the forefront of Pirouette's mind, a fine representation of the League of White's ideals. Education, Quality of Life, Lower Tax Rates. She would see every refugee that walks into the well be given the chance and tools needed to thrive, and to make it easier for them afford a voice and have their say within the politics of the well.

The way to build a strong well is with a strong population, and Pirouette Manners would see everyone have their part to play in it.

Isabella de Veend
League of Purple

The Simple things cannot be Neglected

A now familiar face and voice to most in the Well, Isabella de Veend is a Candidate of Practicality and Purpose. Her views strongly built on supporting the Traditions that shape our lives, and ensuring that the needs of the people are met. Her dedication to the League of Purple is born of the understanding of what we have been blessed with, and what we can do with such blessings.

Serving as our honoured Ambassador to Frostport, she has spent her days fostering good relations and seeing the well provided with trade goods and close allies. Her easy charm and mercantile mind have seen us prosper ever more with the aid of mutually benefitial alliances. As a Legate she will push for expansion both of the treasury and the food stores, so that the population of the Well need never go hungry.

Despite being a Refugee, de Veend has taken deeply to the Worship of Mother B'aara and seeks to help foster such spirituality in others who come to the well from far lands. Carefully guiding them into the embrace of the Wheel, while quashing the concerning rise in Blasphemy and Impiety in the refugee population.

Isabella de Veend is a woman to be listened to, and her Persuasive Ability is Legendary.

Mae Stern
League of White

A vote for Stern is a Vote for Q'tolip.

Running in defiance of the recently struck down proposal against Accorded members seeking legateship presented by one of her Fellow Nadiri, Mae Stern comes onto the Political field as a puppet with string running upward to the summit of the Eagle's Mount. All thoughts of unbiased conduct need not even be considered.

Each of us lives in the shadow of the great tower of Eagle's Mount, with Q'tolip the Exile at it's peak. Stern would have that literal and Metaphorical shadow become a political one as well. Using her Legateship to insert the Nadiri and the Astronomer's influence into every level of governance.

Her very promotion to Apothar in part hinging on this appointment, to further breed dependance upon Q'tolip is her answer to every problem. With once again pushing the Astronomer's Licensing Agenda's and gutting the duties of your impartial scribes to hand around to the Tower Nadiri as one of her highest priorities.

Nadiri Mae Stern, A Stern hand at the end of Q'tolip's wrist.

Cosine Mevura
League of Purple

What does it take to catch a royal eye?

Apothar Cosine Mevura stands as a firm force for tradition, duty, and the Status Quo. Recently hosted by the Crown Princess and granted a tour of her Gardens upon the Ecstatic Terrace, Mevura stands as one of the most conservative candidates fielded by the League of Purple this election, with plans to reflect the benevolent hand of the Sultanate in his own style of Legateship.

With Financial policies sitting roughly between the Extremes of White and Gold, Mevura pushes for stability and a return to the familiar in most aspects of government. He cites a desire to impose less upon Mother Baz'eel's charity, lessening the Well's reliance and allowing it to thrive as testament to the boons of the capital rather than a drain upon them, and would see the wealthiest of the adventuring refugee populace further encouraged to pay back toward the benefit of all.

A hands on Candidate, he plans to delegate his duties less than others where possible. Involving himself personally in matters of criminal justice and trials with his appointed magistrates suplementing rather than replacing his presence in these areas.

Apothar Mevura, a voice of logic of and reason.

Kythaela Reithil
League of Gold

QuoteStrength, Stability, Reliability. These are the platforms that Former Magistrate Kythaela stands atop.
A well known Refugee who has risen through the ranks of the Banda Rossa, Kythaela of Gold sees a vision of a well that will be as welcoming and full of opportunity to all as it was to her.
Deeply devoted to duty, she chooses her obligations with careful forethough and then upholds them with every ounce of her being. Her word is her bond, and that bond is iron.
As a Magistrate, she served at the right hand the Legate's office. Trusted to hold the wisdom to dispense justice impartially and fairly, a duty she upheld throughout her entire tenure.

Kythaela sees her first month in office as one of Security and Teamwork. Looking to see the Sultan's Janissary and the Banda Rossa working side by side, their Balestriere and Sergeants co-ordinating to see those who Brookers, Criminals, and all others who have thrived in chaotic times stamped down and order restored to the well. To put forth more efforts to have our Envoys bring in yet finer trade goods from the other city states of the Ash Wastes, and to see those who work hardest to support our well compensated fairly for the efforts of the arms, hearts, and minds.

Any League can find reason to stand behind Kythaela, and Gold is lucky to have her!

Argus Sesterius
League of Gold

Merit through service, Worth through Effort.

A Brass Pheasant polished to shining Gold through his own efforts, Argus Sesterius has risen from a humble souk merchant to the appointed chairman of the League of Gold. A former and highly respected Magsitrate under both John Syter and Sol Auk, and a firm believer in the League's position as the League of Merit, he aims to reward policies and citizens who have truly dedicated themselves to their work, and the benefits it will bring.

Styling himself in the manner of the Ashfolk, Sesterius has sworn himself away from violence and into the embrace of B'aara. His deep devotion to The Mother colouring his designs to see the Well's influence and Aid spread to it's neighbors like her waters, and to see those currents carry great boons back to his citizens.

Hoping to see others rise as he has risen, his Legateship will see the formation of further government funded guilds, encouraging and aiding new arrivals and citizens both in learning and developing the skills and trades by which they may better themselves and the Well as a whole.

Argus stands to Prove that his League does not care only for money, but that it is spread richly in it's wake.

More Candidates shall be recorded as they provide their time and information to the Scribes of the Sublime Garden.



[With scant time remaining in the Primaries, candidates are switftly added and removed as the Scribe struggle to keep up with the currents of politics]

Fabulous Secret Powers

Election of Kanön Hray, IY 7787

Profiles for the Legate Candidates of the League of Purple and the League of White

Legate Marcellus Saenus
League of Purple
QuoteLegate Marcellus Saenus came to Ephia's Well for one simple reason: safety. After finding what he sought, he deemed it prudent to show his gratitude to the source of that sanctuary, our Sublime Sultan, Osman VI, by joining the League of Purple. His eight year membership in the League has seen him transform from a humble Scribe to a librarian of Izdu, and from librarian to Legate. With two terms of Legateship behind him on the Second seat, he is easily the most qualified man for the responsibility.

During one of the deepest crises that the Well has seen, Legate Saenus was able to unite a thoroughly divided people. His speech at Kardesler was an unifying act, and one of the most important reasons for the victory at Red Hill. His financial aptitude allowed the Well to return from the brink of bankruptcy, and to move towards the plenitude of the present day, where the treasury burgeons with an abundance of coin.

And from this promising state of affairs, Legate Saenus sets his gaze towards the future, towards an Ephia's Well that continues to grow, rather than staying still in stagnation. He aims to direct funding towards the construction of a new residential district, a new home that would welcome any diligent refugees. A home that would enable that same safety that he sought in the past, for countless new Ephians. A home that would show the Sublime Sultan's generosity to all who would have it.

While his competitors waste their time on petty pedantics, Legate Saenus instead makes plans for actual, practical change. While his competitors make backroom deals with hateful ideologues, Legate Saenus' stance is clear: Ephia's Well should offer no quarter for abhorrent ideologies such as moteism. While his competitors approach beliefs from abroad with either too much leniency or too much intolerance, Legate Saenus adopts a pragmatic stance: those worshipping the Dome should be allowed to do so, but only in the privacy of their own homes.

Legate Marcellus Saenus – a distinguished servant of the Sultan, seeking to enable safety and stability for as many as possible.

Aubrey Domergue
League of White
QuoteFor nearly a year, Aubrey Domergue has held membership among the League of White. Despite this, she has accomplished nothing of note, merely burning more and more bridges with every passing month. Her status as one of "Syter's Slys", alongside her lack of commitment to Legate Guivarch's election campaigns, call into question her loyalty towards her own League.
The only thing that Domergue can commit to is her own ego. Because of this, her platform offers no promises of any sort, focusing merely on demeaning her opponents with petty insults, and on boasting about her supposedly wondrous personality. While her competitors can easily name achievements and goals, Domergue cannot even deign to pretend to have any. With such an unplanned and vague platform, what good could be expected from her Legateship?

Anyone that attends Assemblies is aware that Aubrey Domergue is a bullheaded contrarian, agreeing with someone only when it provokes petty squabbles. So often does she stoke the fires of controversy that her surname might as well be Demagogue. Her approach to politics is so volatile that her Legateship would place Ephians under a constant fear of scandals, both at home and abroad. And as she left the Balladeers after experiencing the slightest of inconveniences, what guarantee is there that she won't do the same as Legate?

In her ignorance, Domergue sees no problem in letting Il Modo's influence fester the Well's religious integrity from within. To her, it is perfectly fine for Modini to come to the Well, and pontificate about their blasphemous beliefs to whomever will listen. To her, this is merely one more divergence among countless others. With Legate Domergue, what hope would there be for unity, when even our sacred beliefs would not be defended? What hope would there be to combat the orcish and sibilant hordes amongst such disunity?

Aubrey Domergue – an egotistical contrarian, interested merely in controversy.


Eamon Bronzegate
League of Gold
A Campaign of Common Sense.

This is the keystone of Eamon Bronzegate's campaign for the Legateship. Bronzegate is a deeply meritocratic offering from the League of Gold, a Man who understands his limits but also understands he does not rule alone. It is his desire to see those of the soundest mind and greatest skill among the voiced be placed where they might do the most good for all. In this way, his strengths shall be multiplied and his weaknesses compensated.

It is his ideal to hold an Assembly every week, to ensure the voiced remember that they too are part of the Government of the well and that they have the right to be involved. Combined with his plans for reformation of the Legal systems and streamlining the Judicial systems of the well, it is safe to say that Bronzegate's Reign as Legate would be unprecedented.

It is his Promise that with careful consultation of the Assembly at large, and with delegation to it's most skilled and trustworthy, never again shall the well see failings of Policy and Politics as have been the death of a great deal of potential for The Well's future. While Eamon shall be Legate, it shall be the Assembly that rules.

Bronzegate rose swiftly within the League of Gold after his arrival in the well. Learning under the wings of high profile members before cutting himself loose of their flaws to rise to his own heights. Disagreeing with his compatriots on a few key areas, it is his goal to build a Unified well, Served and Reinforced by a United Accord. It is this foundation upon which he would build The Well's Golden Age.

As befits his name, Eamon Bronzegate is more Humble than the average gold, but does not lack for luster.