A report left with the Priory of Sibylline Sisters

Started by VanillaPudding, October 17, 2023, 02:29:12 AM

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My friends,

Within Il Modo we found a wonderous sea-city to the likes of which I wouldn't have imagined. It was littered with tradesmen, fishermen of which notably focus upon Eels at the desire of their Sage Maribela de Fortuna, a Masquerade casino, library, and other fantastical things such as a massive dome in which their faith is centered.

After a brief time to explore the sea-city, we were escorted to the Palace to treat with the Grand Duke. After a brief exchanging of gifts, the assigned Emissary, Legate Marcellus, was swiftly torn to pieces like a child attempting to partake in a battlefield.

They demanded from him firstly that he recognize Il Modo as the exclusive power upon the Pearl Sea, and furthermore and independent city-state from Baz'eel. After a short while he agreed and the ceremony would move ahead. They then requested more gifts, as friends should give one another gifts, and asked for twenty barrels of Ephia's waters monthly as a token of this new found friendship. This was bartered down to two barrels of waters monthly in exchange for a singular offering of a cannon and one bucket of Eel oils.

The second pact was that Il Modo would deliver this cannon and barrel, and would cover the fees to collect Ephia's delivery each month. Furthermore, they will soon offer passage to their city at the expense of the travelers going aboard the vessels.

Lastly, it was discovered that Qa'im has a presence upon the Pearl Sea, one which even the armada ships of Il modo appeared to fear. A singular one of those ships was capable of destroying four pirate vessels rather swiftly, and so this lends to the speculation of power in which the Qa'immi ships hold.

Samira Al-Darwish
Blade of the winds
Seeker of the Last Hearth
Blood of the first Dervish