Letter to the Cinquefoil Rose

Started by thegn, September 23, 2023, 07:37:38 PM

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[Letters scented with oud arrive at the gates of each banner of the Cinquefoil Rose]

Order of the Rose,

We've a great many conflicts as of late. This must be resolved, or it will come to a head that will be of no benefit to neither of us. Mutual understanding is vital.

I will visit you, in your home, so to say, and we will speak. I request that at least a member of each of your three banners- the Banda Rossa, the Sisters, and the Balladeers. I ask you send one only, otherwise we won't be able to hear each other talk.

I will elucidate the issue on the day of the meeting. Fret not, this is no trick, and I come in earnest with honest diplomacy.

Janissary Fauchard


Janissary Fauchard,

We are nothing if not bound in service to this accord which keeps the Well safe. I shall pass along your desires to my superiors in swift fashion, but suggest that you come to the Krak Des Roses in order to deliver such an urgent message in person so that it can be handled in the most pure manner, in person.

- Student Samira Al-Darwish
Blade of the Winds