Anti-Qaim Rhetoric

Started by Mari, September 21, 2023, 06:39:37 PM

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[On the bellows, and on rare occasion even leafleted in paraphrase, the words of High Priestess Mari Blacke rail against the heretical Pra'raji of Qa'im]

QuoteKnow the clockwork gaze of Pra'raj would sear away life and emotion. In the stead of surrender, submission. Your feelings dictated by ticking, chittering, chattering machines. Every man, woman and child: the status of a cog. Possibility clenched like a vice.

Let us sound our defiance! Embrace ecstasy, hail terror! The vital wash of blood within our heart! Shout anger, cry joy! In the blessed uncertainty of the present, the immanent, we -live-! The ascendant now where all things are possible, great and terrible.

This is Mari Blacke, High Priestess of my Lady Between the Stars. By Her grace am I a guide to those who seek. Though I do not burn, I am a torch for those who would take Her in hand. By the works of the Wheel will we be bolstered in strength and in spirit. By Her wit are we made to see well despite the efforts of the sun to blind.

QuoteAkouai! This is Mari Blacke, High Priestess of our Lady Between the Stars, Gellema. By our imprecations is Her eye cast balefully upon those who would ally with Qa'im and already whispers spread of an Archonate beset. Order unravels. Discord ascends.

By the grace of the Wheel shall the works of heretics be undone. By Her gaze. The fly in the ointment. The sand in the gears. The tick out of step with the click-click-click of metronome heart of the cursed Sun. Her attention, Her scourge. Sabotage.

In defiance we embrace ecstasy! Hail terror! That vital thrum in our hearts! Fury and joy and love and hatred, all those things the machine would deny you in mindless cog-service to its factory-god. We rebuke the shrill, tooth-felt whine of Zojhir's works!

Live, drink and dream. Embrace the immanent now. May Her smile be courted! Her gaze directed! Euoi Gellemos! Euoi!


QuoteAkouai! This is Mari Blacke, High Priestess of our Lady Between the stars, Gellema! Ware those who would trade your passions for efficacy! Those who would muzzle you for efficiency's sake! We embrace assembly BECAUSE of its clamour, not in SPITE of it!

Look with mistrust on those who promise you uniformity, conformity, certainty- the promise of the Machine. Emotion beveled and leavened away. Your feelings dictated to you by the click-ticking of automatons. An electric janissary in everyone's skull.

We put our faith in the Wheel, not in the Machine. To do otherwise is to as well admix our blood with oil and walk in clockwork lock-step to the gates of Qa'im and kneel there before the Tyrant Sun.

We laugh! We cry! We spit at the Sun! With all that is vital and red within! Embrace ecstacy! Howl terror! For in this moment are we alive! We love! We hate! Let fly the fire in your heart! For Her, for the Wheel, for the Well! Euoi Gellemos! ChairĂ³maste!