Double Bug with Trade Tools

Started by granny, February 01, 2014, 06:51:02 PM

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You try to trade stuff with people and often the Trade window will close without you wanting it to.

This will force you to present all your items to your partner another time, but sometimes it will be worse, because for some reason your inventory might be full or the new way the items are accommodated, you'll be forced to drop some of them into the ground.

The thing is: sometimes, when the things are dropped, they turn into "ungettable" stuff, forcing you into losing them permanently. This is not rarely really painful for the trading parties and I have lost several things this way.

If there is any fix for this bug, I would be really joyful to know.


This is an nwn thing, and the window does not close by itself. That is simply a fact.

It happens because one of the parties clicks something outside it, moves, or closes it by another action themselves. Missclicks. They happen a lot.

It cannot be fixed in any other way than patience and care.