A letter to Marcellus

Started by Thaldrac, August 31, 2023, 06:52:50 PM

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[ This is a sheet of parchment, folded thrice and sealed with green wax, the stamp of a pointy hat visibile. When unfolded, this can be seen to be a letter, penned in a flowing, near-endless script. It is far too perfect to have been written by hand, most likely done by arcane means. ]

Dearest Legate Marcellus,

We have crossed paths on numerous occasions and greeted each other by name - I would not count myself amongst your friends, but neither are we unfamiliar with each other. Most recently, we travelled into the Gutters together and faced the Beast, learning more of it's nature as it leapt into the dark chasm after laying waste to Hekatomb, Twins rest him. I have also supplied you with vials on your request, ever responsive to what you desire. My talents are numerous - archaeology, history, alchemy, herbalism, and more reside amongst my repertoire: But most importantly, the arcane.

Such is why I put quill to parchment, and pen this letter to your desk. We have all witnessed the ever-growing power and aloofness those of Q'tolip's Tower conduct themselves with, most recently flagrantly disregarding the sanctity of the Assembly Hall and laying a killing spell against one of the Fourth, to which I most vehemently assisted in putting the querulous little Nadiri to the tiles as he and many others of his ilk seem to deserve.

With such growing insolence from the Astronomers in mind, and the recent outlawing of Magistrates of the Accords - thereby nullifying the powers of most of those magistrates in power - I would offer my own services as such a Magistrate. My independent knowledge of the arcane would stand in direct opposition to the Tower when they attempt to sway the laws their way by spouting hot air phrased as wisdom, as well as a good advisor to yourself on matters pertaining to such. In my ageless wisdom, I am also schooled in proper thought and procedure, and would have little interest in allowing trials under my power to be led astray, lessening confidence in the Well's leadership and it's choices.

I would not write assuming you to be ignorant and lie that this is purely for your benefit, however. I have my own ambitions pertaining to politics, and having the titling of Magistrate under my belt would give some sway in future entrances to the Legateship candidature. It would also enhance my own general standing in the Well as an independent magus, for which I can have no complaints.

If you are desirous of further discussion on the matter, write or call via the Bellows and I shall respond with all haste available.

Always the Well's,
Magus Pim


Magus Pim,

We will have to meet in person and speak. As a Magus I would have to see how you also  manage your own as a Magistrate. Study of the Law is not as simple as it might appear at first, and the blind following of the letter can lead one to making some critical mistakes, as I have done in the past.

So, let us meet, and discuss it.

Legate Marcellus Saenus