Letter the Legion / Copy given to Maracielo

Started by Qari, August 29, 2023, 05:10:44 PM

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This is a writ permission to remove the defunct "Ministry of Trade and Labor" notice board outside the property "Plaza 4" now owned by Maracielo de Rancini.

Destruction of this sign is lawful and approved by the Sublime Garden.

-Qari Alriyh,
Legate of the First Seat, Gold League


The letter is received after a due cleaning of the overflowing inbox. A reply is sent shortly after.


I haven't heard anything from the Ministry of Trade and Labor in over a month now. Assumed either they fizzled out or died off.

If it's approved by the Gardens and a Legate so be it, legion will not stand in the way. A sending from the Fourth will be sent on the morrow and shortly there after you might remove it if it isn't taken care of already.

- Sgt. Sathuul