Letter to the Maqam of the Martyrs [PC]

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, August 26, 2023, 06:14:25 PM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A letter is addressed to the Maqam of the Martyrs. It may be read or responded to by any of the faithful who visit the shrine.]

Esteemed Reverend, Preparators, and Faithful in Service,

Word has come to me of the passing of Hekatomb, long in service to the Martyrs and the Wheel, and a sure example of the worthiest aspects of your faith. The tenets of Kalim and Gamil were the first of the Wheel that were known to me and I have long revered their custom.

I have of late been struggling with putting to words (and verse) the events of that terrible battle south of the Rampart Nusrum. It was Hekatomb's own words that I have drawn upon in confronting those memories; that the dead ought be remembered by their deeds, and that each mortal life is raised up through the rituals of the Maqam and the memory of the community, and so they go to the rest that the Martyrs have promised. Enclosed is a work of remembrance in his honor.

He was too severe and reserved for me to call a friend. But he was a brother to me as another devout to the faithful of the Wheel. B'aara gave him Life, Kula shepherded him through this world while living, and now he has gone to the domain of the Martyrs.

May he rest well.


Acolyte Amelie


Quote from: Enclosed Poem
Of Hekatomb
Acolyte Amelie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Speaker for Kula

Qdim 26, IY 7787

Unto the Martyrs' graven brows;
Commend the mortal wayward soul;
For they again shall never rouse;
And Kula's vigil long is whole.

O They into repose shall meet;
This weary one in service long;
Who never could admit defeat;
His faith and piety was strong.

In ancient days their first command;
Resplendent in a mournful dirge:
"Remember they who walked the land";
And O, we gathered, now converge!

And say, as one, thy work is done.


Thank you dearly for this. Hekatomb was important to more people than most realize, any sort of memory such as this is welcome.

Lucrecia Allaire-
The curtain of night
The lark of the morning
The end of a rotting dream


Acolyte Amelie,

We greet you with the grace and humility of a humble servant and are glad to lament with you the passing of the dead. You do well to honor him, and in honoring him, you honor the Martyrs, for he dwells now in resplendent memory among the Worthy Dead. I would ask your permission in consigning a stanza of this verse to our venerable brother's entry in the Book of the Martyrs, that these poignant words might be joined to memory in vellum and ink in honor of Hekatomb and his deeds.

Hail the Dead in Eternal Memory,

Alain of the Martyrs

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi


My permission is here given. Wyld's blessings unto and to the continuation of your marvelous work.

Acolyte Amelie