A letter from the Pile: To the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion (PC/DM)

Started by WriterX, August 26, 2023, 03:02:53 PM

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Brave Janissaries,

 A week has passed since my victorious election, and much has happened since then, but I did not have the pause to ask, what are you plans, your goals as they stand currently? I often speak of the project of the Sand Gate, or preparing for Qa'im, but I would wish to hear, from your own mouths, what do you seek to accomplish within the coming two months, and what aid, in the form of dinari or otherwise, you may need.

 We may not always see clearly on the same topics, but we are all servants to our Sultan, and as the Legate of Ephia's Well I would not be doing my duty if I did not come forth to the Legion and ask you about your needs.

Legate Marcellus Saenus


The letter is received after a due cleaning of the overflowing inbox. A reply is sent shortly after.


Tolerating grandstanding by any of the Accord over the lawful actions of the janissary. I will not tolerate my men being assaulted in the streets and the perpetrator given a slap on the wrist and a warning, it's their hands that need taken. Manage this and our job as playing town watchmen will be ten times easier so I can focus on the actual threats outside our walls.

The deep gutters are a danger to us all as has been made evident. Filled to the brim with forbidden science and profane artifacts, I've seen them firsthand. Not a far cry from the sad tale of Qa'im. If you've the loyalty to the Sultan you'd seal those tunnels and order any trespassers given capital charges, only His Majesty should have sway over that dark realm.

Lifting the exile upon my conscript Bana Ondebottli. The moron is deaf but he reported straight to the Garrison to receive extra punishments, don't like it but I need the manpower.

- Sgt. Sathuul