Ten Promises to the People [Pamphlet]

Started by Erudiche, August 08, 2023, 09:14:45 PM

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Ten Promises to the People

Ephians, Voiced and Voiceless alike, a momentous occasion is finally upon us: the exercise of our great liberty to appoint a Legate of the Well. Many words have been exchanged, much ink spilled, in discourse about agendas, ideals, and actions. I intend to lay to rest at last any rumors that we of the League of White are anarchists, wreckers, or Kyprosians. Rather, I dare, we are a brotherhood of pilgrims, builders, and benevolents. We articulate clearly the ideas which form the basis of a new age and the establishment of a Eupolis in the Well, so that we might serve as a beacon to the world of the merits of social renovation in the name of the Wheel and the Sultanate.

Here, with the help of the clergy of the Wheel, we have developed an emanation of the Tenets of White, here to elaborate a more clear picture of the world for which we stand. We term these points our Ten Promises, for they are a sacred oath pledged by our League not only to the Well, but the world.

1. The enfranchisement of the people, obtained by the granting of citizenship to most or all of the Well's residents, organized on a basis more rational, meritorious, and efficient than a dinar fee, which has allowed ignoble cutthroats to access the levers of civic life and denied participation to many loyal patriots.

2. The organization of refugee labor under the state into a force tasked with undertaking public works with accommodations and provisions provided for their survival.

3. The careful setting aside of public funds for the finance of charitable initiatives and benevolent public organizations working towards the general betterment of the Well and its people.

4. The regulation of the Hall of Jurisprudence via the creation of licensed prosecutors and defenders, including a requirement that practitioners of the law provide a free and competent defense to the accused, if necessary, as a service to the people.

5. The recognition of the rights and duties of the Clergy, the especial protection of their sacred persons from attack and degradation, the enshrinement of their role as essential social functionaries, and a return to piety and filial brotherhood in society.

6. The absolute and total prohibition of slavery in all forms within the Well, irrespective of national status. Any slave who enters the Well shall be at once made a free man, any slaver who enters shall at once be marked as the criminal they are.

7. The enshrinement in law of regular consultative sessions of the Assembly and an ongoing commitment to allowing free time for deliberation and debate during these sessions, which have until now become tepid school-room affairs fit for little else but idle speech.

8. The empowerment of the Assembly to vote as a whole on propositions, laws, and various matters of public concern brought forth during these sessions.

9. The establishment of a public audit of the state's financial status and resources, with a particular eye towards the until-now unaccounted for Voiced fees, and a levying of fair and progressive taxes aimed at financing benevolent programs for the betterment of society as a whole.

10. The provision of a bottled water ration to be provided to suitably destitute residents on a monthly basis, to ensure the general welfare and prosperity of the city.

It is the sacred duty of any member of the League of White, the Corps of Volunteer, or any public official in employ to these two bodies to carry out and see to fruition these Ten Promises. Political action does not end with the election, nor the Legate, but continues between elections in fundraising, propagandizing, campaigning for social causes, applying public pressure to the state and Leagues, and in proposals brought forth to the Assembly and Legates. Know that a Legate of White shall not operate with a closed door nor demand treasures in exchange for the simple execution of their duties.

The government shall not be ruled by resentment and sectionalism in the days when the pale Gyrfalcon shall fly above the citadel, but shall instead be open for all citizens to participate.

Know, friends of the Well, that this day is soon approaching. Know that the voice of the people shall not be, must not be, will not be, denied. Take your place at the vanguard of the future, of the world to be, and support the Domhnall Guivarch for Legate today.
Redemption! Redemption!