A Letter each to the Sergeant Joachim Sathuul, and to Daoud al-Maaz

Started by Runic, August 22, 2023, 10:03:34 PM

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[A letter, written on fresh paper.]

To the Honourable Sergeant Sathuul, and Esteemed Investigator al-Maaz,

I write to ask for a physical description of the creature you saw lurking on the ceiling during your recent outing, to compare with details of the creature which attacked a fellow Nadiri in the Gutters.

If you would sooner not discuss in writing, please call for me via the ear to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip

Daoud al-Maaz

[A letter in return, accompanied by a drawing.]

Nadiri al-Saiba,

The creature appeared to be humanoid, perhaps on the larger side of humans. Its body was bulky and muscular, with what appeared to be a blending of nearly construct-like components. It had the face of a man, though it seemed pieced together. I presume it is one of Qa'im's foul designs. It lingered in shadow, crawling along the ceiling on all four limbs. The brief time I witnessed it, the speed with which it moved, and my admitted terror at witnessing it have likely hindered my ability to serve as good witness to its true characteristics.

Enclosed is a drawing which approximates the creature, but hardly captures just how wrong the being felt. It chilled me to the bone.

Fare thee as well as I fare,


The Response is brief and blunt.

To the Esteemed Investigator al-Maaz,

You are thanked humbly for your sketch. It has aided in clearing up that the creature seen here is not the same one that prowls the Gutters currently. Further investigation shall need to be made.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip


The letter is eventually found underneath the ever building mass of reports on the Sergeant's desk. His eyes would scan over the request before he'd take up a fresh bit of parchment and ready a stylus.


My eyes did not take to the dark of those tunnels but my hearing is ever keen. I noticed it just creeping along the roof behind me, I took notice and was shortly followed by the Inspector. It stalked us showing a degree of intelligence, a voice did cry out after a time repeating, "they know." It was the deciding factor in my ordering to retreat back to the lift.

As to what I saw a mass of limbs stitched, sewn, patched, and hammered together. I can only compare it to the foul monstrosities rumored to come from the twin city of Qa'im. Though mostly it was hidden in shadow.

- Sgt. Sathuul.


[A response to the Sergeant, blunt and brief.]

To the Honourable Sergeant Sathuul,

You are thanked humbly for the information. With the sketch from Inspector al-Maaz, this will prove useful in identification.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip