[Acolyte Hypatia Kometou]

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, July 30, 2023, 03:42:32 PM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A battered and weatherworn book is left in the care of Hypatia in the Priory of the Sibylline Vine. It contains all manner of published works and drafts in progress. Including, among certain other works, the miscellany below.]

Quote from: B'aarat HymnHoly Mother, thy Waters giv'n; Your Mercies storied, wide are known;
Let B'aarat all attend your Word; And weep for King, and meek, enthron'd.

Quote from: Kulamet Verse"Let Her servants tend the Garden; That the seed, Bel-Ishûn shall grow; And from the first day to the last; the greater world shall know Her Works."

Quote from: Kulamet Verse (better this time, meter broken deliberately)"Let Her servants tend the Garden; That the seed, Bel-Ishûn shall grow; And from the first day to the last; All of Life, of Her, shall know."

Quote from: Desert rambling, poor meter"With ebb and flow, of life and limb; Our fortunes rise and fortunes fall; Amid expanse of desert air; Command our thoughts and sorrows, All."

Quote from: Cinquefoil rambling, poor meter"Attend, that Spark, of blazing, burning Life; To find within that spirit-sung caress; Cinquefoil heart to light the storied way; To Chalice, call'd, to ever seek progress."

Quote from: Cinquefoil rambling, work on the meter"Attend that Spark of Life that burns ever within the soul's caress; Upward bear it, through hardship and all the pains; For the Pilgrim comes, and you must prepare the Way."

Quote from: Cinquefoil poem, half-finishedOur comrades true have gone anon to to greet the mighty Wheel;
The Martyrs shall engrave their works upon the hallowed stele;
Remember we unto the dead: give Life to their ideal;

Attend we now the grand campaign that stands before us true;
Sound we out the path hereon to glim'ring, golden hue ;
Warad shall guard us as we go unto the world remade, anew;

And there our gleaming comrade stood to keep the worthy line;
His blade aloft, his cuirass set, met not with blood but wine;
His purpose then to keep the hero's course, example fine;
That the Pilgrim's work be done!

Quote from: Izdur riteO answer thee the age-old test; To Izdurite devotion known; Sup ye upon the tome expressed; With all your garnered knowledge shown; As His example we invoke; From ignorance, to learned Folk.

Quote from: Wheel-faith riteUpon the day you go anon to to greet the mighty Wheel;
The Martyrs shall engrave thy works upon the hallowed stele;
And Kula sing a vibrant song to echo fierce ideal;

The Tome shall mark thee well.