Harmonious Conflict

Started by Random_White_Guy, July 14, 2023, 03:29:03 PM

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QuoteTo shatter and break is merely a path to rebuilding greater It is in this principle of the Warrior that the Null Style was formed. Perhaps the single most powerful Axespeck of the Warriors divinity if it can be properly harnessed In the hands of the amateur it is deceptive but in the hands of a Master the possibilities are endless. You must take the greatest risks and you must dedicate yourself to a lifetime of study in the harshest conditions. You must seek every challenge and raise to every occasion. You must become as the Warrior himself and then you shall triumph. In all my studies there is no style more Dangerous discovered. It is a transformative stance in which a Soldier grows from dutiful student to a full and true practitioner of Agasla-Ku and becomes a titan among mere mortals

When your enemies gawp in confusion at your feats of miracle performed through Harmonious conflict.

When your allies gasp in amazement at your aid to their victories.

When you are written and remembered, you will be ready to embark on the first steps of the Null style.

Then you shall rise, higher than you ever thought possible.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteThe Fanu Alkhinjar are an ancient martial school of the Ashfolk. Their dances are said to dazzle the court and bewilder the senses of the Sultan himself. The style of the Dancer is a loose interpretation of the Fanu Alkhinjar ceremonial feastdance. Rather than a choreographic wonder of discipline and unity the Style of the Dancer focuses upon the single entity moving among the tide of battle. You must like the Ashfolk dancers study your crowd and make your way through it with grace and strength in tandem balance. To twist and twirl upon the edge of a knife itself with a singular toe is said to be the greatest achievement of the Masters. Turning such a thing into a battlefield practice allows for the swift work of Mendicant and Soldier alike in traversing great swaths of terrain for a singular target.

To your allies in need your grace a gift from the Wheel itself as you arrive with quick remedy to their wounds and suffering.

To your foes you are a veritable horror of speed, cunning, balance, and lethal poise. At any moment twisting and winding through the field. In your wake there is no cheers or applause.

Only screams, only horror, and only victory.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteOne of the most difficult things a warrior must learn is the practice of restraint. It is inherently difficult as one grows in strength to limit and balance expenditure of effort but if it can be mastered then Focus is developed. A means by which a warrior may see training improved or take to performing entirely new styles of impossible feat. Precision is a style in which one focuses not only their Ki but their body itself. Tense becomes the limbs and long becomes the breath increasing the flow of Ki through the eyes and hands. A mirror to the style of the Dancer and the Fanu Alkhinjar which focuses more upon the foot this style serves well the Warrior in measured precision as you are able to unleash restraint in a singular and relentless strike. The potential energy of the self channeled to a singular narrow point and out.

Be it a firm blow of fist, a snapped kick, or even thrown Star with proper training in the restraint and conservation of Precision style there is no missing.

Rumored to have begun as a bar-room trick in the wake of larger battles throwing darts and more in time it would develop into a Style welcomed by those who move swiftly, strike swifter, and pepper a battlefield with death in all its varied forms.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteWhere as a majority of the styles so far have been about augmenting the warrior in body
mind or spirit majority so far have heavily favored the body or mind. The Axespeck of the Ash is one of the first styles to showcase in full the challenges set by the Second Spoke. To adorn yourself in the Talisman of the Axespect of Ash is to test your spirit as your body takes to burning and your mind takes to howling in agony. A challenge of the Spirit that in the past has seen warriors test themselves in contest against one another to see who can last the longest under the cruel auspices. Many have perished but those who spirits burn the brightest are able to endure the agony therein and learn a great deal about both themselves and the journey that lays before them in the Great Ash Desert - It will be a painful one.

But from that pain does the Spirit know power, and as the body recovers and the mind remembers the Warrior able to raise to further and newer heights with confidence. That which plagued the mind with Doubt now fleeting. Now that which was thought too much for the body feels laughable by comparison.

For you have stood in the Ash Storm, alight and screaming upon winds so loud your brother next to you could not hear. For you have stood burning in your own juices as sweat boiled. For you have coughed and wheezed choking upon the Storm.

...And lived to tell the tale.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteWhere the Unbalanced stance one of an insult not all deception is folly or unkind. The Rogue is a vital staple in any Warrior's training as it lends to a familiarity with the less spoken of sides of warfare. Strategem and Intellegence move more mountains than shovels. Advanced scouts sabotaging an encroaching armys paths and roads, your own forces striking out behind enemy lines for stealing of battle plans, troop movements, and more. These aspects while some deem them unsavory or honorless are a mandatory part of any Campaign and to shirk such the height of folly. As it is said often that majority of Baz'eel's triumphs come not from the marching ogres of the Janissaries of the First Legion but of the careful acumen and tactics of the less spoken of branches of the Sultan's military forces.

For even in peace does the dedicated Soldier prepare for war, and those who adopt the Rogue Style as their chosen path are blistering with guile and cunning, cautious and meticulous, and cultivate the skills to sow future chaos in any theater of War.

They, in tandem with the Snake and Rat style, are the whispers on the wind. They are tales told to children to keep them steady on their training. They are the initiates of walking shadow, and some of the most mercilessly effective soldiers upon the Field of Battle.

Cry of honor as you please, they shall laugh over your broken corpse.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The paradox of harmonious conflict is a study itself of balance. It is asked often among many how those of the Second Spoke can be so cordial to one another when off the field of battle and then so eager to slaughter one another. The answer is given simply in respect. For we know what is to come and we wish them the best that they may give us the best. There is but one insult - A disrespectful showing.  Of which there is none more disrespectful than the Axespeck of the Unbalanced. Where as the Mocker draws upon the energy of a Crowd the Unbalanced draw upon a purposeful altering of the patterns of Ki to make yourself weaker, to make yourself slower, and to make yourself wholly uninviting of a combatant. To appear meek to spare you from being chosen as foe. But as all aspects it has its place - as Fodder.

Send forth the Unbalanced to die upon the spears of the foe,
Send forth the Unbalanced to die upon the spears of your own if they try and flee,
For those who aspire to Unbalance sow disharmony and chaos in the ranks of yourself and your enemy.

They have their place, but it is not one of dignity or respect.[/quote]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Over a dozen previous scrolls are added in one evening above.

The final of which, is the Scroll of Courage.

QuoteWhile the Meek seek Unbalanced and the brazen seek further afield as Rogue, it
is fundamentally the role of every Soldier to find their courage. The battle of the mind against the body rages eternal but it is the Spirit that keeps the two in delicate balance. You must face your fear and accept them for only then may you dominate them. If you must then you can adorn yourself in the Tailsman of the Warrior to find a unique channeling of Ki It begins in the stomach radiating outwards towards the chest and legs You begin to stand firm and in this Style is a Sergeant or Balestriere able to muster their ranks to remember why they train and why they fight To lead lesser men to greater victory is the highest honor And may the names of those who perish under your command you have courage to write.

Write the names of those who serve you with honor, write the names of those who serve you with zeal and fury, write the names of those who have overcome their fear and risen to the heights of courage.

Those who would volunteer for the fiercest missions, those who would sacrifice themselves for a brother, and those who above all hold the forged spirit of a Hero.

Honor them well, Lead them well, and Glory will be had in victory.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips