Legate Auk Announcements

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 31, 2023, 10:18:16 PM

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As the Granite Slab in Golden Fab, Sol Auk, offers the stage to the speeches and campaigns of the Candidates to come the Scribes are instructed to relent in their proliferation of his speeches, instead allowing the Candidates the stage.

Still though matters of State endure. As such come smaller flyers littered around the Well

[hide=Magistrate Qari of Baz'eel's Warning]Qari Alriyh
Tabbah is not yet upon us, and yet we feel the scorch of its heat, flaring tempers and searing reason from the minds. A series of escalating matters has been looming, and continued, tonight. Yet, the reason of Izdu prevails, cooling heated hearts.

There shall be no trials tonight, no further judgement. Only a stark warning that this cannot continue. Article 7 of the penal code looms, and this persistent behaviour will not see further lenience. Allow our election to move forward, in peace, and civility. Let us see these matters at rest.

Let this be your warning, Dear Balestriere. Those involved with questions, may naturally seek myself out.[/hide]

Come dawn, rings out new words from the Legate

[hide=Beware the Dunecat, B'aara's Stele Comes, Assembly with it.]Legate Sol Auk
Greet. Standby as Sol Auk has Scribe Kulam Kulan prepare three announcement.

To begin as some of you may have felt, and Magistrate Qari spoke last eve, Tabbah soon upon us. Tempers already begin to run high. So too though is a rare conjunction come: For the Wroth upon the Stele and Baz'eel's presence felt as the Election

This creates in the Janissary a volatile mixture. Keeping a Janissary from Baz'eelan Justice is a monumental task. It is like Dunecat discovering the females ready to mate. They stalk the streets, the alleys, their claws sharp, and their fangs hungry.

Sol Auk shall do his utmost to constrain them but in this he echoes Magistrate Qari's warning. This is not a time to measure ego, nor believe you will find some clever means of escape. Consider it as if the Astronomers discovered Izdu upon the Stele... and you shall know compare.

Sergeant Rennik Colmes has more Capital Clearance than any Janissary in three years time. And this was when he was in a good mood. That being said not all is so grim. For soon shall the wounds mend and relief come, soothing, glorious relief.

In five days and twelve hours, when the Votes take to open, shall at last the Government of Ephia be healed. And in such shall B'aara, the most sacred Mother, at long last be returned to the Stele as Patron of Ephia's Well. That we may be healed, hale, and whole.

Long has the time been of struggle, since the dreaded interregnum, and soon its pains washed away. Which brings third announcement. The Marribeh Allotment is due, and the time for Assembly has come. Tomorrow or the next day shall it be held, once Rashid back from Baz'eel.

Of particular importants shall be the allotment, but Sol Auk makes now public it known that for the first time in Ephia's history is there deviation in the dispensement. For 7,000 dinar has been agreed upon by Rashid and Sol Auk to be dispensed to a private citizen.

Balestriere Kragg of the Banda Rossa, for his heroics in the capture of Shalil the Twice-Martyred, and his efforts to constrain the Lion that Feasts between Stars in saving Candidate Blacke's life, is to be given highest honors at the Assembly. His presence is requested personally by both Legate to receive

Live and Drink, my friends. And know these woes at last soon behind us.[/hide]

As well, by bribe or by fortune, Voiced Toleigh of the Purple League is named Minister of the Ephian Cartel and given a Throne and Desk overlooking the Souk.

A very un-gold move from the Legate who claims Stonefolk take no sides.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Amidst swirling political feuding, increased accord tensions, and talks of many steps by the Janissary while Wrothe upon the stele comes announcement from Legate Sol Auk

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Greet. Per condition offered to each League Candidate, Sol Auk has been commissioned by charity to make Speech. The White League Candidate wishes it used upon a political piece, chastising her Apprentice for his blatant and personal attack upon her campaign.

Cosine the Lefbehine, his Apprentice Lojir punted into the Crucible while he spun about, ignoring Apothar Azimi's pleading shout. 'N- No. No I cannot join, I won't. I can't. I would never'. And so Lojir leapt in saying...'Goodbye Forever'.

She requests you remember your place before you insult her again.

QuoteAmbassador Rezifa Rejavi
Ha! You people are really something. You know how this kind of conflict gets settled in Qadira? His Supreme Eminence, the Maharaja, doesn't lower himself to engaging in poetry contests with stuttering astrologians, that's for sure.

But I'm getting distracted. I'm supposed to invite you to Qadira, where one of our 'mercantile partners' has agreed to part with a particularly important piece of history in exchange for a tidy sum of dinari. Go and be rewarded - or stay and simmer in your indolence.

Before nights end would come much more woe, more tension,  Janissary claim of Djinn books by the Rose bought and sold in Qadira, and a small mob at the Tower of Q'tolip.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


in the wake of the return of the Janissary's envoy to the so called Swarm, word was sparse. In the early hours of this morning were both Legates seen disappearing for hours into the Garrsion. Later in the day comes announcement in the wake of briefing given, as Legate Zaniah and Legate Auk can be seen leaving the Garrison to make for the Pyramid.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Greet. As briefing of the Legates over last evening's actions has concluded, Sol Auk brings announcement. Balladeer Lynneth, any of the Cinquefoil, or White League - The price upon the offer has raised from 12,000 to 20,000 dinar.

Elsewise the Purple Legate and her League shall continue in tandem with the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion to dictate terms on these matters. Sol Auk now takes to the Labor of Bathing, Scribes bring correspondence to read while he is oiled. Live and Drink.

Something revealed has lead to a rise in the requests of the Gold Legate.

...What was discovered in the operation, currently unknown. As no word raises from the Puprle League or Janissary as of yet
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips