Gold Legate Appointments

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 18, 2023, 04:35:04 AM

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As matters sway and spin through out the politics of Ephia, come another round after announcement of Assembly - With the Purple Legate Zaniah's agreement, Legate Sol Auk is to oversee Ambassadorial seats open for aspiring Voiced once more. As well are other Appointments available...

QuoteMajor Appointment:
  • Magistrate, First Seat: Qari of Baz'eel, Reader of Winds and Sands
  • Magistrate, Second Seat:  Salvatore di Ravioci, Paladin of B'aara
  • Ambassador of Ka'esh: Vacant
  • Ambassador of Qadira: Vacant
  • Ambassador of Banafsi: Vacant
  • Ambassador of Alkab: Vacant
  • Ambassador of Ynis Eilir: Vacant
  • Ambassador of High Kulkund: Vacant
    Moderate Appointments:
  • Minister of Alchemic Mystery: Gers Geiger, Master Alchemist of the Worshipful Guild of Alchemists and overseer of contract with Janissary, La Banda Rossa, and other requirements of State for Ephia's Government
  • Minister of Cartography and Survey: Captain Naelin Karstwen, Captain of the Naelin's Torchbearers upon retainer and service as needed by Ephia's Government and Accord Signatory.
  • Minster of Trade: Toleigh Castal:  Tender of the Souk of Salt & Spices, currently upon leave tending business in Free City as Trade Envoy
  • Minster of Order: Alexandria Sayburgh - Hetman of the Order of the Stele, honor-guard and protectors of the twin seats of Legate.
    Minor Appointment:
  • Clerk of the Office of Reimbursed Charity: Aaisha al-Samar: To Assist the Voiced and Voiceless alike in securing new funding for varied projects and effort
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips