Wood Elf Subrace Bug

Started by Valo56, January 23, 2014, 04:36:41 PM

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When making a wood elf earlier, I started off as a Barbarian, got in game, waited for it to tell me to relog, and then did so. After relogging, I multiclassed to Ranger and was told to relog again. After doing so, the wood elf bonuses were applied again, granting me a net +4/-4 to associated statistics.

Remaking the character and only relogging after leveling up did not result in this problem.


This happened to me once as well, giving me an 18 CON 18 STR wood elf with passable other stats.


I've noticed this before when I made a trail run of a gold dwarf, I thought it was a issue on my side, so I simply retired the character but if its also effecting other players. It may be that Subrace traits are double applying, if they are using a heartbeat script it may be accidentally double applying.

But I could be spouting hot air and have no idea what I'm talking about.